Staley, Grace

Arizona Daily Star, Feb. 3, 1912 (republished 2/3/2011): "Licenses to wed were granted on a holiday." Although yesterday was a legal holiday and most of the offices at the court house were closed, Probate Judge Cooper remained in his office and did a land-office business. He granted a marriage license to R.L. Smith and Grace Staley in the afternoon, and at 3 o'clock the couple returned and were married by Judge Cooper. Mr. Smith is a mining man of Nogales, is prominent in social as well as business circles. His bride was formerly head nurse in charge of a hospital at Mazatlan, Mexico. The young people were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Callahan of Tucson. Mr. Callahan and Mr. Smith were for several years associated in the mining business in Sonora. Mr. and Mrs. Smith stole a march on their friends at Nogales, quietly slipped away and came here to be married. They will return to Nogales tonight, where they will make their future home. ... Asked if a marriage license granted on a legal holiday would not be null and void, Judge Cooper stated that marriages are made in heaven and that they have no legal holidays there.
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Mazatlan, Mexico