Smith, Willard Wallace

[Distinguish from William Samuel Smith, Yavapai County Medical Society charter member.]

Arizona Medical Board record: Willard Smith MD; license number: 351; license date: 1/16/1908; medical school: JEFFERSON MED COLL-THOS JEFFERSON UNIV; graduation date: 05/25/1900; address: 15 E Monroe St, Phoenix.
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 371” Smith, William Wallace”
See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), pages 386, 389.

J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1909; LIII: 228: ARIZONA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Meeting, held at Prescott, May 19-20, 1909. ... Surgical Technic. ... DISCUSSION. Dr. Willard Smith, Phoenix: The surgeon should have as few assistants as possible and as little paraphernalia as convenient. This limits the danger of infection. In my experience more infections occur when strong antiseptics have been used instead of weaker solutions. We should endeavor not to destroy the natural bactericidal qualities of the tissues.

J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1915; LXV: 177: At the annual meeting of the Arizona State Medical Association, held at Prescott, the following officers were elected: president, Dr. Roy E. Thomas, Phoenix; vice presidents, Drs. Harry T. Southworth, Prescott ; James E. Drane, Jr., Mesa, and Albert W. Waneman, Douglas ; secretary, Dr. Clarence E. Yount, Prescott (reelected) ; delegate to the American Medical Association, Dr. Hiram W. Fenner, Tucson; alternate, Dr. Willard Smith, Phoenix; ....
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1924; 82: 42: Medical and Surgical Association of the Southwest. -- At the ninth annual meeting of the association in El Paso, Texas, December 11-13, the following officers were elected: president, Dr. John R. Van Atta, Albuquerque, N. M. ; vice presidents, Drs. Harry H. Stark, El Paso, Texas, and Willard Smith, Phoenix, Ariz.; secretary-treasurer, Dr. William Warner Watkins, Phoenix, Ariz., and trustee, Dr. Roderick D. Kennedy, Globe, Ariz.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1925; 84: 1362: Dr. George A. Bridge, Bisbee, was elected president of the Arizona State Medical Association at the annual meeting in Bisbee, April 16-18; Drs.Charles S. Vivian, Phoenix, Arthur C. Carlson, Jerome, and Willard Smith, Phoenix, vice presidents…
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1925; 85: 1739: Dr. Willard Smith, Phoenix, Ariz., was elected president of the Medical and Surgical Association of the Southwest at the recent eleventh annual meeting in El Paso; Drs. Willis W. Waite, El Paso, and Le Roy S. Peters, Albuquerque, N. M., vice presidents, and Dr. William Warner Watkins, Phoenix, secretary-treasurer.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1926; 87: 1657: Medical and Surgical Association of the Southwest. – The twelfth annual meeting of this association was held at Tucson, Ariz., November 11-13, under the presidency of Dr. Willard Smith, Phoenix.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1944; 125: 510: Willard Wallace Smith; Phoenix, Ariz. ; Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 1898; Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, 1900 ; fellow of the American College of Surgeons; attending surgeon, St. Joseph's and Good Samaritan hospitals ; died March 25, aged 68, of congestive and organic heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis and chronic nephritis.

Was this Willard Wallace Smith? Someone else?
Smith, W. Orientation. Essay on Harrison Narcotic Act. Southwestern Medicine, March. 1922, 6. No. 3, p.111.
Master pnID
Src2 PCMSMin
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 6, page(s) 146; volume 9, page(s) 220; volume 10, page(s) 273,450; volume 12, page(s) 131,153
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