McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916, page 610: J.H. Smith, a well-known business of Yuma was born in Youngstown, Pennsylvania in 1881. After completing a public school education he entered the Pittsburgh College of Pharmacy and was graduated from that institution in 1905. Following this he was for some years in the drug business in Pittsburgh and from that city removed to Phoenix, Arizona in 1910 where he clerked for two years in a drug store. In 1912 he removed to Yuma and purchased the drug store belonging to Joseph Jauman. This is the oldest pharmacy in the city and under Mr. Smith's able management has expanded rapidly along modern lines. He controls a large business, for his drugs are of high quality, his prices reasonable and his methods above question. In 1906 Mr. Smith was united in marriage to Miss Mary Moyes of Pittsburgh, and they have one son.
Bender, George A. A history of Arizona pharmacy. [Glendale, Ariz.] : Arizona Pharmacy Historical Foundation, 1985, pages 43, 63, 65-66, 69 [portrait], 425.
Bender, George A. A history of Arizona pharmacy. [Glendale, Ariz.] : Arizona Pharmacy Historical Foundation, 1985, pages 43, 63, 65-66, 69 [portrait], 425.
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