Skolfield, Mazel (Lt. Col.)

See 12/8/1942 and 5/11/1943 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Major Skolfield from Marana Air Base spoke and asked that the local physicians report any service men that they may be treating with sulfa drugs so that they may be relieved from flying duty while and immediately after treatment. He also asked that an attempt be made to locate the sources of venereal infection and report these.” and “Dr. Lindberg asked information as to extent of medical services to be given men in military service, because he had had a request for sodium amytal. Dr. Presson said he recalled only one request made in a previous meeting by Col. Schofield that the air base hospitals be notified by civilian physicians if sulfa drugs are prescribed.”

Prescott Evening Courier, July 28, 1943, page 6:  Hot but healthy at Marana Field.  Marana Army Air Field, Tucson, July 29 -- It may be hot at Marana ... but it's healthy!     According to Lt. Col. M. Skolfield, Post Surgeon, the hospital at Marana Army Air Field is virtually empty this week.     "Of course, the Army's preventive medicine program may be largely responsible for our record low hospital census, or possibly Marana personnel are just naturally healthy," Colonel Skolfield commented, "while the percentage of officers, cadets, and enlisted men hospitalized here has always been low, this week it dropped clear out of sight!"     "This doesn't mean the hospital staff can take a vacation, for there's always the routine inspection, inoculation, and daily treatment work that must go on," the hospital commander added, "but it's still a pleasure to run a hospital with practically no patients!"
Source: [record viewed 2/3/2015]

J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1946; 131: 1137: ARMY MEDICAL CORPS OFFICERS RECOMMENDED FOR/OR RELIEVED FROM ACTIVE DUTY. Utah. Skolfield, Mazel ... Salt Lake City.
JAMA, Jul 1965; 193: 181: Skolfield, Mazel; Salt Lake City; Columbia Physicians and Surgeons, 1920; certified by the American Board of Preventive Medicine; veteran of World War II; served as superintendent of the Salt Lake County General Hospital and on the staff of the Latter-Day Saints Hospital; died March 28, aged 74, of arteriosclerotic heart disease and cor pulmonale.

Mazel Skolfield; degree granting institution: College of Physicians and Surgeons; graduation year:  1920; death date: 3/28/1965; memo: Of Salt Lake City, Utah; citation: P&S 10 (Sept 1965) P 29; record ID: 610
Source: P&S Obituary Database. Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library of Columbia University  [record viewed 2/03/15]

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