Sewall, Charles Albert

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, pages 260, 370.
A historical and biographical record of the Territory of Arizona. Chicago : McFarland & Poole, 1896, page 498: DR. CHARLES ALBERT SEWALL. To heal the sick and cure the ills to which the human body is heir is noble but arduous labor, and is the most trying on brain and body of any in the field of science. Dr. Sewall is scholarly and well informed in every branch of his profession, and while pursuing it has seen a great deal of Western life, and as a surgeon of the United States army has had numerous opportunities of witnessing the mode of warfare practiced by the Indian. By nativity he is a product of the East, his birth having occurred in Baltimore, Maryland, October 16, 1849, but when still a mere lad he was taken into the interior and in the public schools of Philadelphia he acquired a thorough education. After his literary education was completed he began the study of medicine with Dr. J. Ewing Mears, a resident physician of the City of Brotherly Love, after which he entered the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, in 1869, and was graduated from this institution in 1872. He at once entered upon the practice of his profession in his native State, but one year later, in 1873, entered the United States army as acting assistant surgeon, and until 1890 was located at frontier posts in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Texas, the most important of which were Santa Fe, El Paso, Fort Lewis, Colo.; Fort Wingate, New Mexico; Fort Mohave, Arizona Territory, and at Cummings, New Mexico. In 1890 he came to Prescott, and for some time was located at Whipple Barracks as post surgeon, but one and one-half years later began a private practice in Prescott, where he has become known as a skillful and reliable practitioner, and has built up a large patronage. During the war with the Apache Indians, he was with the troops in the field and served with Generals Hatch, Buell and Bradley and Colonel Dudley, during which time he met with some thrilling experiences and had some narrow escapes from the scalping knife. The country being without railroad facilities, the Doctor was obliged to stage it to different posts, many of which trips were marked by the most exciting events and frequently by no inconsiderable danger. Dr. Sewall is the county physician for Yavapai County, and is one of the health officers of the city of Prescott. He is also secretary of the Yavapai County Medical Association, and since his residence in Prescott has shown the utmost interest in all her municipal affairs and is justly regarded as one of her most substantial and reliable citizens. The Doctor was married to Miss Virginia Evans, a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and a niece of W. C. Bashford of Prescott. They have one son, Bashford Perry, who was born April 14, 1889.

J Am Med Assoc. 1911;LVII(4):329: List of [AMA] Members who Registered at the Los Angeles Session, June, 1911. ... Surgery. ... Sewall, Charles Albert, Los Angeles.
J Am Med Assoc. 1925;84(7):532: Charles Albert Sewall, Los Angeles ; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, 1872; member of the California Medical Association; aged 75 ; died, January 14.
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History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 6, page(s) 72
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Fort Mojave
Los Angeles CA