Schnabel, Arthur Garfield

Homeopathic doctor; 1923 member of Arizona Medical Board (ArMA History). Name also appears as “Schnäbel.” Died Aug 7, 1927 (Pima County health officer).
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 369.
Sloan, Richard E. History of Arizona. Phoenix, Record Pub. Co., 1930, volume 3 (Arizona biography), pages 538, 541.

J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1909; LII: 1114: At the annual meeting of Pima County Medical Association, held in Tucson, Dr. Joseph W. Lennox, Helvetia, was elected president; Dr. Hiram W. Fenner, Tucson, vice-president, and Dr. A. Garfield Schnabel, Tucson, secretary.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1910; LIV: 1314: At the annual meeting of the Pima County Medical Society, held in Tucson, Dr. Ira E. Huffman was elected president; Dr. Abram Morrison, vice-president, and Dr. A. Garfield Schnabel, secretary-treasurer, all of Tucson.
A. G. Schnabel, Tucson. Stricture of Esophagus. Arizona Medical Journal, Phoenix. January, III, No. 1, p.12.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1923; 81: 836: The new board of medical examiners went into office, July 1. The personnel of the board is as follows : president, Dr. Harry T. Southworth, Prescott; vice president, Dr. William O. Sweek, Phoenix, and secretary, Dr. A. Garfield Schnabel, Tucson.
J Am Med Assoc, Jan 1928; 90: 297: Dr. Joseph M. Greer, Mesa, has been appointed a member of the Medical Examining Board of Arizona to succeed the late Dr. A. Garfield Schnabel, Tucson.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1927; 89: 1077: A. Garfield Schnabel; Tucson, Ariz. ; Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, 1906; health officer of Tucson; member of the state board of medical examiners; aged 47; died, August 7, of acute dilatation of the heart.
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History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 6, page(s) 33-36
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