Mentioned in the 5/14/1940 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. First name mentioned in the 1/14/1947 minutes. Arizona Medical Board record: Charles W. Rudolph MD; license date: 10/5/1946; medical school: VANDERBILT UNIV SCH OF MED, Nashville, Tennessee; graduation date: 6/13/1923. The Honorary PCMS member, C.E. Rudolph, mentioned in the 3/1/1942 minutes is most likely this “Charles W. Rudolph.”
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1940; 115: 226: The Pima County Medical Society was addressed in Tucson recently by Drs. Thomas J. Hardgrove on "Relationship of Psychiatry to General Medicine"; Ervin H. Holvey, "Chronic Interstitial Pancreatitis," and Charles W. Rudolph, "Thoracic Surgery on Ex-Service Men."
Same person?
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1945; 128: 1180: Nebraska. Dr. Charles W. Rudolph, Houston, Texas, has been appointed in charge of the Hospital for the Tuberculous, Kearney, succeeding Dr. Leland C. Albertson, resigned (The Journal, May 19, p. 216).
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1945; 129: 81: Two one day institutes on tuberculosis were held at the Nebraska Hospital for the Tuberculous, Kearney and Omaha, August 6 and 8 according respectively, to Better Health, the bulletin of the state department of health. Among the speakers were : Dr. Charles W. Rudolph, medical director, Hospital for the Tuberculous, Kearney...
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1940; 115: 226: The Pima County Medical Society was addressed in Tucson recently by Drs. Thomas J. Hardgrove on "Relationship of Psychiatry to General Medicine"; Ervin H. Holvey, "Chronic Interstitial Pancreatitis," and Charles W. Rudolph, "Thoracic Surgery on Ex-Service Men."
Same person?
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1945; 128: 1180: Nebraska. Dr. Charles W. Rudolph, Houston, Texas, has been appointed in charge of the Hospital for the Tuberculous, Kearney, succeeding Dr. Leland C. Albertson, resigned (The Journal, May 19, p. 216).
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1945; 129: 81: Two one day institutes on tuberculosis were held at the Nebraska Hospital for the Tuberculous, Kearney and Omaha, August 6 and 8 according respectively, to Better Health, the bulletin of the state department of health. Among the speakers were : Dr. Charles W. Rudolph, medical director, Hospital for the Tuberculous, Kearney...
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