1926-02-16-01 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: "Dr. Charles Rowan, Professor and Head of the Department of Surgery of the Medical School of the University of Iowa, as the guest of the Society and principal speaker for the evening...The following scientific program was presented: Dr. Chas. Rowan, -“Diseases of the Liver.”..."
J Am Med Assoc, May 1927; 88: 1572: Dr. Charles J. Rowan, head of the department of surgery of State University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, resigned, May 4, it is reported. Dr. Rowan was formerly assistant professor of surgery at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and took up his work at the University of Iowa in 1914.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1928; 91: 1381: Iowa Dedicates New Medical School and Hospital. -- The State University of Iowa College of Medicine has been moved to a new campus on the bluffs on the west side of the Iowa River overlooking the Old Capitol Campus. The new medical laboratories and hospital college of medicine will be dedicated, November 15-17. The dedicatory address will be delivered by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford University and formerly President of the American Medical Association... The second day's program includes addresses by Drs. Frank C. Mann, Rochester, Minn., and Charles J. Rowan, Pasadena, Calif., on physiology and surgery, and ...
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1929; 93: 1228: Dr. Charles J. Rowan, formerly head of the surgery department of Iowa University College of Medicine, Iowa City, rejoined the faculty this fall, it is reported, as professor of clinical surgery. Dr. Rowan resigned from the department in 1927 ; his successor, Dr. Howard L. Beye, will continue as head of the department.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1934; 102: 624: A bronze bust of Dr. Henry James Prentiss, late professor and head of the department of anatomy, histology, embryology and neuro-anatomy, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, was placed in the medical library of the university, Nov. 6, 1933, the gift of the Alumni Association of the college of medicine. Three friends of Dr. Prentiss, Drs. Nathaniel G. Alcock, Iowa City, Verne C. Hunt and Charles J. Rowan, Santa Monica, Calif., presented the pedestal on which it stands. Dr. Prentiss was also director of the laboratories of histology and embryology of the college of medicine. He died, May 17, 1931.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1927; 88: 1572: Dr. Charles J. Rowan, head of the department of surgery of State University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, resigned, May 4, it is reported. Dr. Rowan was formerly assistant professor of surgery at Rush Medical College, Chicago, and took up his work at the University of Iowa in 1914.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1928; 91: 1381: Iowa Dedicates New Medical School and Hospital. -- The State University of Iowa College of Medicine has been moved to a new campus on the bluffs on the west side of the Iowa River overlooking the Old Capitol Campus. The new medical laboratories and hospital college of medicine will be dedicated, November 15-17. The dedicatory address will be delivered by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, president of Stanford University and formerly President of the American Medical Association... The second day's program includes addresses by Drs. Frank C. Mann, Rochester, Minn., and Charles J. Rowan, Pasadena, Calif., on physiology and surgery, and ...
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1929; 93: 1228: Dr. Charles J. Rowan, formerly head of the surgery department of Iowa University College of Medicine, Iowa City, rejoined the faculty this fall, it is reported, as professor of clinical surgery. Dr. Rowan resigned from the department in 1927 ; his successor, Dr. Howard L. Beye, will continue as head of the department.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1934; 102: 624: A bronze bust of Dr. Henry James Prentiss, late professor and head of the department of anatomy, histology, embryology and neuro-anatomy, University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, was placed in the medical library of the university, Nov. 6, 1933, the gift of the Alumni Association of the college of medicine. Three friends of Dr. Prentiss, Drs. Nathaniel G. Alcock, Iowa City, Verne C. Hunt and Charles J. Rowan, Santa Monica, Calif., presented the pedestal on which it stands. Dr. Prentiss was also director of the laboratories of histology and embryology of the college of medicine. He died, May 17, 1931.
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Iowa City IA