b. Aug. 18, 1889 d. Mar. 14, 1981
Director, Arizona State Laboratory, 1917-?
The Arizona State Laboratory, which was created under the Pure Food Act of June 20, 1912, is only indirectly connected with the University of Arizona. The law provides that suitable quarters shall be set aside by the University for its use, and that the Director and assistants in the Laboratory shall be appointed by the Superintendent of Public Health acting with the Board of Regents of the University. … Dr. Charles Arthur Meserve, who was appointed on January 1, 1913, as the first director, was also Professor of Bacteriology in the University for three years. Jane H. Rider, graduate of the class of 1911 of the University of Arizona, was appointed as his assistant. In August, 1917, Miss Rider was appointed Director of the Laboratory, and in January of this year, Mr. Walter Ashby, of the University of Kansas, was appointed Bacteriologist.
The Desert, 1921 [UA Yearbook], page 40.
Source: http://arizona.openrepository.com/arizona/handle/10150/188802
Stringer-Bowsher, Sarah. Not so plain, Jane : an exploration of a professional Arizona woman, Jane Herbst Rider (1889-1981) [thesis]. Arizona State University, 2007.
Probably the same person:
4/24/1934 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “A letter from Miss Jane Rider, requesting that committees be appointed for Red Cross Disaster Relief. Motion made, seconded and carried.”
Director, Arizona State Laboratory, 1917-?
The Arizona State Laboratory, which was created under the Pure Food Act of June 20, 1912, is only indirectly connected with the University of Arizona. The law provides that suitable quarters shall be set aside by the University for its use, and that the Director and assistants in the Laboratory shall be appointed by the Superintendent of Public Health acting with the Board of Regents of the University. … Dr. Charles Arthur Meserve, who was appointed on January 1, 1913, as the first director, was also Professor of Bacteriology in the University for three years. Jane H. Rider, graduate of the class of 1911 of the University of Arizona, was appointed as his assistant. In August, 1917, Miss Rider was appointed Director of the Laboratory, and in January of this year, Mr. Walter Ashby, of the University of Kansas, was appointed Bacteriologist.
The Desert, 1921 [UA Yearbook], page 40.
Source: http://arizona.openrepository.com/arizona/handle/10150/188802
Stringer-Bowsher, Sarah. Not so plain, Jane : an exploration of a professional Arizona woman, Jane Herbst Rider (1889-1981) [thesis]. Arizona State University, 2007.
Probably the same person:
4/24/1934 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “A letter from Miss Jane Rider, requesting that committees be appointed for Red Cross Disaster Relief. Motion made, seconded and carried.”
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