See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, pages 365-366.
J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1907; XLIX: 2015 - 2016: At the annual meeting of the Medical Society of the Seventh Councilor District of Wisconsin, held in La Crosse, November 7, Dr. Henry A. Jegi, Galesville, was elected president; Dr. Eugene H. Townsend, New Lisbon, vice-president, and Dr. Edward N. Reed, La Crosse, secretary and treasurer.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1912; LIX: 1980: New Society.--The Greenlee Country Medical Society was organized October 19 with a charter membership of fourteen: Dr. A. M. Tuthill, Morenci, President; Dr. E. R. McPheeters, Clifton, vice-president; Dr. Edward N. Reed, Clifton, secretary, and Dr. L. A. W. Burtch, Clifton, Treasurer.
Edward N. Reed, M.D., Clifton, Ariz. INFANT DISEMBOWELED AT BIRTH -- APPENDECTOMY SUCCESSFUL. J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1913; 61: 199.
I was called to attend Senora Y. A., a Mexican woman, in confinement, March 14. I found that the head of the infant was already free, and with the next pain, a moment later, the trunk was expelled. I was astonished at finding that the whole intestine, both small and large, was outside the abdominal cavity. Examination showed that the bowels had passed along inside the cord for about two inches, at which point the walls of the cord had ruptured, allowing the bowels to escape laterally. No preparations for the confinement had been made; the bed was filthily dirty and the mass of intestines was thickly sprinkled with bits of straw, feathers, crumbs of food and fecal matter from the mother. I had left the bedside of a woman just about to be delivered, in order to respond to this call. I hurriedly ligated the cord, delivered the placenta, and, wrapping the baby in the cleanest thing I could find, returned to the patient I had left. Finishing this case I called my colleague, Dr. T. B. Smith, and we went together to see the disemboweled infant and took it at once to the Arizona Copper Company's Hospital. It was placed on the operating table two hours after birth, liv this time the bowels were matted together with fibrinous adhesions which included many of the particles of debris mentioned above. They were cleansed gently with sponges and warm salt-solution, but (his cleansing was not very thorough, of course. The appendix, three-fourths of an inch long, seemed to be contused and swollen and a catgut ligature was thrown around its base and it was then removed. The. umbilical opening admitted the tips of two fingers. It was enlarged for "half an inch upward and downward and the cord-bearing edges were trimmed off. The intestines were then replaced and a hurried closure was made with one layer of buried catgut and one of silkworm-gut. The child made an uneventful recovery, save for one small stitch-abscess, and is at this date well and growing normally.
Edward N. Reed, M.D., Clifton, Ariz. Idiosyncrasy to Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid). J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1914; LXII: 773.
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1948; 137: 1046 - 1065: ...the following named physicians, approved by the [AMA] Council on Scientific Assembly, were elected Associate Fellows : ... California. ... Reed, Edward N., Santa Monica. ...
J Am Med Assoc. 1949;139(4):244: Edward North Reed, Santa Monica, Calif. ; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1904; an Associate Fellow of the American Medical Association ; specialist certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons ; fellow of the American College of Surgeons ; served during World War I ; affiliated with the
Orthopaedic Hospital in Los Angeles and the Santa Monica Hospital ; died in the Veterans Administration Hospital, West Los Angeles, October 18, aged 71.
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, pages 365-366.
J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1907; XLIX: 2015 - 2016: At the annual meeting of the Medical Society of the Seventh Councilor District of Wisconsin, held in La Crosse, November 7, Dr. Henry A. Jegi, Galesville, was elected president; Dr. Eugene H. Townsend, New Lisbon, vice-president, and Dr. Edward N. Reed, La Crosse, secretary and treasurer.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1912; LIX: 1980: New Society.--The Greenlee Country Medical Society was organized October 19 with a charter membership of fourteen: Dr. A. M. Tuthill, Morenci, President; Dr. E. R. McPheeters, Clifton, vice-president; Dr. Edward N. Reed, Clifton, secretary, and Dr. L. A. W. Burtch, Clifton, Treasurer.
Edward N. Reed, M.D., Clifton, Ariz. INFANT DISEMBOWELED AT BIRTH -- APPENDECTOMY SUCCESSFUL. J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1913; 61: 199.
I was called to attend Senora Y. A., a Mexican woman, in confinement, March 14. I found that the head of the infant was already free, and with the next pain, a moment later, the trunk was expelled. I was astonished at finding that the whole intestine, both small and large, was outside the abdominal cavity. Examination showed that the bowels had passed along inside the cord for about two inches, at which point the walls of the cord had ruptured, allowing the bowels to escape laterally. No preparations for the confinement had been made; the bed was filthily dirty and the mass of intestines was thickly sprinkled with bits of straw, feathers, crumbs of food and fecal matter from the mother. I had left the bedside of a woman just about to be delivered, in order to respond to this call. I hurriedly ligated the cord, delivered the placenta, and, wrapping the baby in the cleanest thing I could find, returned to the patient I had left. Finishing this case I called my colleague, Dr. T. B. Smith, and we went together to see the disemboweled infant and took it at once to the Arizona Copper Company's Hospital. It was placed on the operating table two hours after birth, liv this time the bowels were matted together with fibrinous adhesions which included many of the particles of debris mentioned above. They were cleansed gently with sponges and warm salt-solution, but (his cleansing was not very thorough, of course. The appendix, three-fourths of an inch long, seemed to be contused and swollen and a catgut ligature was thrown around its base and it was then removed. The. umbilical opening admitted the tips of two fingers. It was enlarged for "half an inch upward and downward and the cord-bearing edges were trimmed off. The intestines were then replaced and a hurried closure was made with one layer of buried catgut and one of silkworm-gut. The child made an uneventful recovery, save for one small stitch-abscess, and is at this date well and growing normally.
Edward N. Reed, M.D., Clifton, Ariz. Idiosyncrasy to Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid). J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1914; LXII: 773.
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1948; 137: 1046 - 1065: ...the following named physicians, approved by the [AMA] Council on Scientific Assembly, were elected Associate Fellows : ... California. ... Reed, Edward N., Santa Monica. ...
J Am Med Assoc. 1949;139(4):244: Edward North Reed, Santa Monica, Calif. ; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1904; an Associate Fellow of the American Medical Association ; specialist certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons ; fellow of the American College of Surgeons ; served during World War I ; affiliated with the
Orthopaedic Hospital in Los Angeles and the Santa Monica Hospital ; died in the Veterans Administration Hospital, West Los Angeles, October 18, aged 71.
Master pnID
Src1 DP
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 5, page(s) 297
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