Putnam, Tracy Jackson

1938-1975. Chief of the Department of Neurosurgery at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, Beverly Hills, CA. Mentioned in the 1950-03-14 and 1950-03-31-05 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954 as “Tracey J.” and Tracy G.”

See Schlesinger EB. Tracy Jackson Putnam. Surg Neurol. 1988 Feb;29(2):89-90.

J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1943; 123: 427: WARTIME GRADUATE MEDICAL MEETINGS. A three day session under the auspices of Wartime Graduate Medical Meetings will be given on October 18-19-20 in the Red Cross Building at the Station Hospital, Davis-Monthan Field, Tucson, Ariz. Lectures and demonstrations will include traumatic surgery of the abdomen, maxillofacial surgery, thoracic surgery, anesthesia, blood plasma and blood banks, neurology, neurosurgery, malarias, rheumatic fever, coccidiosis mycosis, clinical significance of the pH factor and psychiatry. Among the physicians taking part are Drs. Henry K. Ransom, Tracy Putnam, Ernest Sachs, Claude Mason and many officers of the medical corps. A practically identical program was held at the station hospital at Kirtland Field, Albuquerque, N. M., October 13-14-15.
JAMA, Aug 1975; 233: 916: PUTNAM, Tracy J., Los Angeles; Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1920; certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the American Board of Neurological Surgery; died March 29, aged 80, of leukemia.
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Beverly Hills CA