Popma, Alfred Marion

Mentioned in the 1954-03-09-04 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. President of the American Cancer Society and director of Region 5.

J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1954; 155: 1505: The ninth annual postgraduate cancer conference at the University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, Sept. 20 to 24, will be sponsored by the Oregon division, American Cancer Society, and the University of Oregon Medical School and will have as its theme "Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant Neoplasms." ... The Thursday morning symposium, "Head and Neck Cancer," will be summarized under the heading "What the General Practitioner Should Generally Know and Do About Cancers of the Head and Neck." Cancer of the uterus and cervix will be considered Thursday afternoon. At 3 p. m. Dr. Alfred M. Popma, Boise, Idaho, president, American Cancer Society, will moderate a round-table discussion on community actions against cancer.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1955; 158: 408: Dr. Alfred M. Popma of Boise recently went to Sao Paulo, Brazil, as official delegate to the International Cancer Congress, where he presented two papers and presided at one of the general meetings. Late in August Dr. Popma was installed as president of the Rocky Mountain Radiological Association at a meeting in Denver.
JAMA, Jan 1998; 279: 172 [page number may not be correct]: POPMA, Alfred Marion, 90; Boise, Idaho; University of Iowa College of Medicine, 1932; certified by the American Board of Radiology; died August 24, 1996.
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