The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust was created in 1995 by Virginia Galvin Piper, the widow of Motorola founder Paul Galvin. Ten years after Galvin's death in 1959, she married Kenneth Piper, vice president of Motorola, who passed away in 1975. Following Virginia Piper's death in 1999, the trust received $589 million from her estate, making it the largest foundation in Arizona and one of the one hundred largest in the nation. Since opening its doors to the public, in September 2000, it has awarded grants totaling $140 million. Source:
See also: About Virginia G. Piper
The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust is the result of the philanthropy and vision of a remarkable woman whose values shape the spirit and mission of the Trust. Grounded in the solid unpretentious values of the Midwest, Virginia Piper learned about philanthropy from her first husband, Paul Galvin, the founder of Motorola. After his death in 1959 she pledged herself to be a conscientious steward of his money and to preserve the philanthropic tradition he had established. From 1959 through 1969 Virginia resided in Evanston, Illinois and focused her philanthropy in the Midwest. In 1969 she married Kenneth Piper, vice president of Motorola, and with Motorola’s continuing expansion into Arizona during the late 1960s, they moved to Paradise Valley, Arizona. After Kenneth’s death in 1975, Virginia continued over the final quarter century of her life to expand her philanthropy, particularly in Maricopa County.
See also: "Professor takes loving look at life of Virginia Galvin Piper"
See also: Piper, Kenneth M.
See also: About Virginia G. Piper
The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust is the result of the philanthropy and vision of a remarkable woman whose values shape the spirit and mission of the Trust. Grounded in the solid unpretentious values of the Midwest, Virginia Piper learned about philanthropy from her first husband, Paul Galvin, the founder of Motorola. After his death in 1959 she pledged herself to be a conscientious steward of his money and to preserve the philanthropic tradition he had established. From 1959 through 1969 Virginia resided in Evanston, Illinois and focused her philanthropy in the Midwest. In 1969 she married Kenneth Piper, vice president of Motorola, and with Motorola’s continuing expansion into Arizona during the late 1960s, they moved to Paradise Valley, Arizona. After Kenneth’s death in 1975, Virginia continued over the final quarter century of her life to expand her philanthropy, particularly in Maricopa County.
See also: "Professor takes loving look at life of Virginia Galvin Piper"
See also: Piper, Kenneth M.
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