Patton, Irvine White

Name and address per 1935 Arizona State Medical Directory: Patton, Irvine N.; Ajo. “Irvine N.” probably refers to Irvine W. (White) Patton. Both “Irwin” and “Irvine” are used; it seems that “Irvine” was the legal first name.
Drs. Irvine White Patton and Oliver Bierne Patton were brothers.
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].

Patton, Irvine White (b. 1872, d. 1936)

Note: Courtesy of Betty Tatlor, op. cit. She notes "Glimpses into Ante-bellum Homes," Huntsville, Madison Co., Ala. Dr. Patton was a prominent physician in the area.
See: and

Names of members and their postoffices.
Patton, Oliver Bierne, mc univ Virginia 05, cb 06, Huntsville.
Patton, Irwin [i.e. Irvine], mc univ Virginia 94, cb 95, Madison.
[mc = medical school; cb = county board, the examining board which issued a certificate to practice]
Source: Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama by Medical Association of the State of Alabama, 1912, p. 613. []

Charles Hays Patton (b. 1806) was a physician (graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania; entered the practice of medicine and surgery at Huntsville [Alabama] about 1830) and the grandfather of physicians Irvine W. Patton and Oliver B. Patton.
Source: History of Alabama and dictionary of Alabama biography, Volume 4, 1921, p. 1327 [see “Patton, Charles Hays” entry]. []

J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1900; XXXV: 693: Dr. Irwin W. Patton, of Huntsville, has been appointed acting assistant-surgeon in the army, and directed to report for duty to the commanding officer of the United States forces in China.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1900; XXXV: 783: The following acting assistant-surgeons have been directed to proceed from the places designated to San Francisco, Cal., for assignment to duty with troops destined for foreign service : ... Irvine W. Patton, Huntsville, Ala. ...
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1903; XLI: 1058: Patton, Irvine W., first lieut. and asst.-surgeon, is relieved from further duty in the Division of the Philippines and from temporary duty duty at the Presidio, and will proceed to Fort Hamilton for duty, to relieve First Lieut. Walter D. Webb, asst.-surgeon, who will proceed to West Point, N. Y., and report at the U. S. Military Academy for duty.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1904; XLII: 669: Patton, Irvine W., asst.-surgeon, relieved from further duty at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., and is assigned to duty as surgeon on transport McClellan.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1647: ...THE NAMES OF CIVILIAN PHYSICIANS IN MILITARY SERVICE. Alabama. Madison County. MADISON -- Irvine White Patton.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1936; 107: 1319: Irvine White Patton, Ajo, Ariz. ; University of Virginia Department of Medicine, Charlottesville, 1895 ; aged 64 ; died, July 1, of chronic myocarditis.
Master pnID
Src1 DP
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 5, page(s) 152
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Huntsville AL