Ogle, Dan Clark

1901-4/30/1990. Mentioned in the 1951-03-09-01 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “The letter from Brigadier General Ogle in reply to letters from the Society concerning medical care program for dependents of military personnel was read by the President.” [Identification uncertain.]
Third Surgeon General of the United States Air Force (1954-1958). For more, see: http://www.af.mil/bios/bio.asp?bioID=6643, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_C._Ogle and http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/manuscripts/ead/surgen44.html.

J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1949; 141: 1063: Air Force. THE SURGEON GENERAL RETIRES. Major Gen. Malcolm C. Grow, Surgeon General of the U. S. Air Force, retired November 30, after more than 31 years of military medical service. Major Gen. Harry G. Armstrong, Deputy Surgeon General, will be the new Surgeon General, and Brig. Gen. Dan Clark Ogle, special assistant to the Surgeon General, will become Deputy Surgeon General.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1954; 155: 766: Air Force. General Ogle Appointed Surgeon General. -- Major Gen. Dan C. Ogle has been named Surgeon General of the U. S. Air Force. He succeeds Major Gen. Harry G. Armstrong, who has been appointed Surgeon for the U. S. Air Force in Europe with headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany. General Ogle was appointed a first lieutenant in the Medical Corps Reserve and assigned to medical duty at William Beaumont General Hospital at El Paso, Texas. Entering the School of Aviation Medicine at Brooks Field, Texas, in April, 1931, he was graduated that July; he entered the Army Medical School at Washington, D. C, three months later. He was graduated from the Medical Field Service School at Carlisle Barracks, Pa. He was assigned to Chanute Field, Ill., as flight surgeon, and was named post surgeon in May, 1936. The following November he went to Luke Field, Hawaii, where he served as post surgeon. In June, 1941, he resumed his position as post surgeon at Chanute. In 1942 General Ogle was named post surgeon of the Technical Training Center. The following March he assumed command of the Army Air Force Regional Station Hospital at Coral Gables, Fla. He went overseas in 1944 and was appointed staff surgeon of the 15th Air Force in Italy. He entered the Air War College in 1948 and was graduated in 1949. In July, 1949, he was transferred from the Army to the Air Force. The following December he was named Deputy Surgeon General of the Air Force. In March, 1953, he was named Surgeon for the United States Air Force in Europe. He has been awarded the Bronze Star medal and is rated a Flight Surgeon and Aircraft Observer (Medical). [Photo caption: Major Gen. Dan C. Ogle, Surgeon General of the U. S. Air Force.]
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