Ochsner, Edward William Alton

May 4, 1896-September 6, 1981. Often called “Alton Ochsner.”

Mentioned in the 5/12/1942 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954; spelled as “Occhsner”: “Dr. Presson announced that there would be a special meeting of the Society at the Santa Rita Hotel on May 13th to hear Dr. Occhsner on ‘Intravenous Clotting’.” Alton Ochsner organized one of the America's premier surgical teaching programs at New Orleans' Charity Hospital. Opened the Ochsner Clinic on January 2, 1942. For more, see

J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1939; 112: 1267: The Arizona State Medical Association will hold its forty-eighth annual meeting in Phoenix April 13-15 with headquarters at the Hotel Westward Ho. Dr. Harold W. Rice, Bisbee, is president. The guest speakers will include: Dr. Edward William Alton Ochsner, New Orleans, Thrombophlebitis.
JAMA, Aug 1978; 240: 726-729, 732: Alton Ochsner: 82 and still going strong. Beneath the fine features, white hair, and carefully trimmed mustache are intelligence, determination, and strength. Edward William Alton Ochsner, MD, is a surgeon whose contributions to American medical progress are broad and deep and go far beyond the New Orleans' super-clinic, hospital, and foundation complex that bears his name. [Includes photo.]

See also:
Alton Ochsner, MD: Physician. The Ochsner Journal. 4(1) Winter 2002, pp. 48–52.
The Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation. Molecular Medicine 4: 641-645, 1998.
Ochsner Health System (http://www.ochsner.org/about/history/)
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