Of Los Angeles. Mentioned in the 4/9/1940Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: "Dr. Clarence Moore of Los Angeles presented a paper, illustrated by colored film, on Biliary Surgery with the Technique."
Probably the same person:
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1944; 126: 316: Edward Clarence Moore, Los Angeles; University of Southern California College of Medicine, Los Angeles, 1904; clinical professor of surgery at his alma mater ; founder member of the American Board of Surgery; member of the American Surgical Association and the American Urological Association ; member and past president of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association ; fellow of the American College of Surgeons ; at one time on the staff of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; during World War I served as major and consulting surgeon in the medical corps, American Expeditionary Forces, stationed at Base Hospital number 26; past president of the state fish and game commission ; chief surgeon and a founder of the Moore-White Clinic ; on the staffs of the California, Cedars of Lebanon and Good Samaritan hospitals; died July 10, aged 62, of carcinoma of the left kidney with metastasis to the lungs.
Probably the same person:
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1944; 126: 316: Edward Clarence Moore, Los Angeles; University of Southern California College of Medicine, Los Angeles, 1904; clinical professor of surgery at his alma mater ; founder member of the American Board of Surgery; member of the American Surgical Association and the American Urological Association ; member and past president of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association ; fellow of the American College of Surgeons ; at one time on the staff of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; during World War I served as major and consulting surgeon in the medical corps, American Expeditionary Forces, stationed at Base Hospital number 26; past president of the state fish and game commission ; chief surgeon and a founder of the Moore-White Clinic ; on the staffs of the California, Cedars of Lebanon and Good Samaritan hospitals; died July 10, aged 62, of carcinoma of the left kidney with metastasis to the lungs.
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Los Angeles CA