Eldest son of Dr. Benjamin Baker Moeur (q.v.).
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1903; XLI: 801: VAL VERDE COUNTY (TEXAS) MEDICAL SOCIETY. Dr. Witten B. Russ, San Antonio, councilor for the Fifth (western) District, has organized this society with six members and the following officers: Dr. John K. Moeur, Del Rio, president; Dr. Horace B. Ross, Del Rio, vice-president; Dr. S. L. Boren, secretary-treasurer, and Drs. Horace B. Ross, ...
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1935; 104: 493: John Kelly Moeur, Tempe, Ariz. ; University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, 1928 ; aged 37 ; died, Nov. 30, 1934, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix.
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1903; XLI: 801: VAL VERDE COUNTY (TEXAS) MEDICAL SOCIETY. Dr. Witten B. Russ, San Antonio, councilor for the Fifth (western) District, has organized this society with six members and the following officers: Dr. John K. Moeur, Del Rio, president; Dr. Horace B. Ross, Del Rio, vice-president; Dr. S. L. Boren, secretary-treasurer, and Drs. Horace B. Ross, ...
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1935; 104: 493: John Kelly Moeur, Tempe, Ariz. ; University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, 1928 ; aged 37 ; died, Nov. 30, 1934, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Phoenix.
Master pnID
Src1 DP
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 4, page(s) 445,446
OHB Checked
Del Rio TX