Clinical psychologist at the VA. Spelled as “Gildase E. Metour” in the 1953-03-05-07 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.
WALTER G. KLOPFER, LLOYD J. BORSTELMANN. THE ASSOCIATIVE VALENCES OF THE SZONDI PICTURES. Journal of Personality, 19(2), 172 - 188. 1950[?]. "The writers wish to express their appreciation to Dr Gildas E Metour, Veterans Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana, for his work on this study, as well as to Professors Alex C Sherriffs, Robert E Hams, and Rheem F. Jarrett of the University of California for their advice and guidance."
WALTER G. KLOPFER, LLOYD J. BORSTELMANN. THE ASSOCIATIVE VALENCES OF THE SZONDI PICTURES. Journal of Personality, 19(2), 172 - 188. 1950[?]. "The writers wish to express their appreciation to Dr Gildas E Metour, Veterans Administration, Indianapolis, Indiana, for his work on this study, as well as to Professors Alex C Sherriffs, Robert E Hams, and Rheem F. Jarrett of the University of California for their advice and guidance."
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Indianapolis IN