McCreary, Marcellus

Born: 12 Apr 1874 in Conecuh Co, AL Died: 26 Jan 1963 in Alberquerque, New Mexico.
Son of John Absolom McCreary, M. D. (November 11, 1832 - July 21, 1870)

Arizona Daily Star, July 5, 1912: At night Elysian Grove was thronged with people. There must have been fully 3,000 there, and they filled every part of the grounds from the baseball field to the entrance gate. ... The fireworks celebration was one of the best seen in Tucson for many a moon and were well handled by Harry Johnson, assisted by Doctor McCreary. Fireworks of every kind were sent up, Roman candles, devil's pots, giant rockets, serial pin wheels, sunbursts and parachute rockets. They were too many different kinds to mention all of them. Big fuses furnished red and green light and were set about the field to furnish the the men light by which to work. As the many different rockets whistled up in the air and burst, there were heard all kinds of exclamations of admiration from all sides. ...

J Am Med Assoc. 1929;93(21):1660-1661: Changes in Veterans' Bureau Personnel. The U. S. Veterans' Bureau Medical Bulletin reports the following recent changes in personnel of the bureau : HOSPITALS ... Dr. Marcellus McCreary, reinstated at Fort Bayard, New Mexico.

JAMA, Apr 1963; 184: 316: McCreary, Marcellus, Albuquerque, N.M.; Medical Department of Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, 1896; fellow of the American College of Surgeons; veteran of World War I; served as chief of surgery in Veterans Administration hospitals in Arizona, California, and New Mexico; died Jan 26, aged 88, of pulmonary congestion and edema.
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California, New Mexico