Martin, George W.

First DO to practice in southern Arizona. 1900 graduate of the Pacific School of Osteopathy in Los Angeles. Moved to Tucson on July 22, 1900. Practiced in 1900-1940s out of his homes in Tucson at 47 West Pennington, 104 North Stone Avenue and 518 East First Street. 1919 member of the Arizona State Board of Medical Examiners. Practiced until 1944.
Johnson, Scott. Something more: osteopathic medicine in southern Arizona. Tucson, Ariz. : Osteopathic Press, 1992, pages vii, 19-20, 24, 73, 106.
PCMS Centennial Program. 10-9-2004.
Nash, Steve. “Medical Progress in Arizona…”

J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1917; LXIX: 1451: Dr. Coit Hughes, Phoenix, has been appointed a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners to succeed Dr. Ira E. Huffman, Tucson ; Dr. Albert L. Gustetter, Nogales, to succeed Charles T. Sturgeon, Globe, and David L. Conner, Phoenix, to succeed Dr. George W. Martin, Tucson.
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