Lindberg, Axel Ludwig

Tucson radiologist. Owner of the Tucson Tumor Institute, 23 E Ochoa St, from 1937-1965. See ArMAHC Document #3, Dr. Ludwig’s personal “A-Z” notebook.

Mentioned in the 10/10/1939 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “The scientific program consisted of two papers: one by Dr. S.C. Davis on ‘Tuberculosis in the Aged’; and another by Doctors A.L. Lindberg and Dr. J.A. Oliver on ‘Rapid Cultivation on Tubercular Bacilli’.”

Arizona Medical Board record: Axel L. Lindberg MD; license date: 4/7/1937; medical school: RUSH MED COLL OF RUSH UNIV, Chicago, Illinois; graduation date: 08/31/1928.

JAMA, Feb 1966; 195: 799: Lindberg, A. Ludwig, Tucson, Ariz; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1928; certified by the American Board of Radiology; affiliated with Pima County General Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital, where he died Nov 29, aged 71, of intestinal obstruction.
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