Laos, Roy, Jr.

... The 5-Points Gateway Plaza would be the biggest enterprise to hit Five Points in the 50 years that Roy Laos Jr. has had Roy’s Arizona Pharmacy one block to the north at 647 S. Sixth Ave. ... Annie and Roy are the parents for former City Councilman Roy Laos III, and the Laos Transit Center was named for Roy’s father, Roy Laos Sr.
Source: "Downtown south end gets boost." Tucson Citizen Morgue, Part 1 (2006-2009), 1/8/2007 [viewed 12/17/2013]

Arizona Daily Star 2014-08-12 obituary:  Roy Elias Laos, Jr. We have lost a beautiful man, Roy E. Laos, Jr., age 92, passed peacefully in Tucson, Arizona on August 5, 2014 of the Good Lord's natural process. Roy E. Laos, Jr. was born in Tucson, Arizona on October 29, 1921, to his parents, Roy Laos Sr. and Juanita Elias Laos. Roy was a fourth generation Tucsonan. Roy learned his strong work ethic, family loyalty, honor, respect, integrity and commitment to serve others from his father while working alongside him as the owner and founder of Occidental-Old Pueblo Transit Company, the first privately owned and operated Bus Company in the history of Tucson, Arizona. Roy met and married his wife of 62 years, Anna Baffert Laos in Tucson, Arizona, on April 14, 1952. The Baffert family was also a historic family with strong business success in early Tucson. Roy attended Safford Elementary and Junior High School, then attended and graduated from Tucson High School in 1941. Roy enlisted on July 6, 1942 with the United States Marine Corp soon after the December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor. Roy's active duty was in the Pacific theater, based in the Hawaiian Islands. Roy also spent time in Officer Candidate School (OCS) in Quantico, Virginia. He was honorably discharged from the USMC on September 26, 1945. Roy returned home to work with his father at Old Pueblo Transit Company, while re-entering undergraduate studies at the University of Arizona, upon graduation, he was admitted to the UofA Pharmacy School and graduated with a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree in 1952. Roy was an accomplished baseball player who played for Hall of Fame coaches Pop McKale and Frank Sancet as a starting lettered pitcher with the UofA team. Roy was drafted prior to the war by the Cleveland Indians. In addition to baseball, Roy pitched in highly organized Fast-Pitch Softball Leagues in Tucson. Roy was ultimately inducted into the Pima County Softball Hall of Fame in 1980. From 1957 through 2003, Roy owned and operated Roy's Arizona Pharmacy, located on the Northeast corner of South 6th Avenue and 17th Street, 647 S. 6th Ave. Today, the same location is a food market and liquor store, Roy's Corner Market, operated by his wife, Annie B. Laos. Roy is survived by his wife, Anna B. Laos and their five sons, Roy B. Laos, Jeffery B. Laos, Sr., Enrico B. Laos, Marco B. Laos, Rene B. Laos. Roy also had eight grandsons, eight granddaughters and two great-grandsons. A Memorial Mass Service to celebrate the life and military service of Roy E. Laos, Jr. will be held at the St. Augustine Cathedral, 192 South Stone Avenue at 10:30 a.m., on Thursday, August 14, 2014. A Celebratory gathering and lunch will follow in the Cathedral Hall after the mass at 12:00 noon. Mortuary services are coordinated by CARRILLO'S TUCSON MORTUARY. The family would also like to acknowledge the wonderful care of OSHYN Hospice with our father.

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