Lahey, (Dr.)

Mentioned in the 1952-03-06-05 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. Manning ... felt that it might be possible to get nationally known men for speakers it they could be assured of more than two talks.... He stated that the Veterans and county society are each willing to pay $150.00, as is Phoenix and also Prescott; that the list contains such men as Dr. Lahey and Dr. George Thorne; that an effort had been made to choose men who would interest everybody.”

Perhaps Frank Howard Lahey?
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1953; 152: 1060: Lahey, Frank Howard founder and director of the Lahey Clinic in Boston and a past president of the American Medical Association; died in the New England Baptist Hospital June 27, aged 73. Dr. Lahey was born in Haverhill, Mass., June 1, 1880, and received the degree of doctor of medicine from Harvard Medical School in 1904.... [photo caption: Frank Howard Lahey, M.D., 1880-1953]

See also: Lahey Clinic history at [viewed 2/23/2010]
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