King, D. Macdougall

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 352: MacDougal

J Am Med Assoc. 1903;XL(8):527: Canada. Smallpox at Gait, Ontario, Under Control. The epidemic of smallpox which has lately been causing some alarm in Gait, Ontario, is now said to be practically at an end. In all there have been 81 cases, affecting 21 families, with 5 deaths. The number now in the isolation hospital is 16. Dr. Macdougall King of Toronto has had charge of the isolation hospital.
J Am Med Assoc. 1903;XLI(16):974: Canada. Dr. Macdougall King, Toronto, has been appointed instructor of physiology in the medical department of the University of Denver.

Nerves and Personal Power. Some Principles of Psychology as Applied to Conduct and Health. By D. Macdougall King, M.B. With Introduction by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. Cloth. Price, $2 net. Pp. 311. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1922.
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History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 4, page(s) 113
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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