Ketcherside, Enoch Blackburn

KETCHERSIDE, Enoch Blackburn, of Jerome, Arz., born September 7, 1846, near Trenton, Ga., is the son of James and Mary (Cartwright) Ketcherside, grandson of Thomas Ketcherside, of Scotland. His father died when he was six years old, and at the age of twelve years he was attacked with hip joint disease, which continued six years, and maimed him for life. At eighteen years he was without an educa tion, but was then able to work, and by his own effort acquired an academical education. In September, 1869, he went to Texas, remaining there until 1875, when, on account of loss of health, he was obliged to return to Georgia. There he was engaged in mercantile business six years, meanwhile commencing the study of medicine, 1876, at Rising Fawn, Ga., and was pressed into practice, in 1879, before attending lectures. He closed his business as soon as possible, and matriculated at the Medical Department, University of Tennessee, Nashville, and was graduated in February, 1884. He removed from Rising Fawn, to Jasper, Tenn., in February, 1883; in January, 1887, he returned to his native town, and remained there until 1895, when he removed to Jerome, Arz.     Dr. Ketcherside is a member of the Medical Society of the State of Tennessee, and of the Tri-State Medical Society of Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee. He taught school two or three ses sions, and was county school superintendent of Dade county, Ga., 1880–82.      Married, September 3, 1868, Miss Eliza J. Allison, of Trenton, Ga. Their children are: Willie ; Ida; Mollie; Jennie; Lucile; James A., M. D., Medical Department, University of Tennessee, February, 1892; Hugh V. ; John K.; Enoch Brown; Allison Kemper; and Hilary Dunham Ketcherside.
Source: Watson, Irving Allison. Physicians and Surgeons of America: (Illustrated). A Collection of Biographical Sketches of the Regular Medical Profession. Republican Press Association, 1896, page 746 [includes photo].

See "Members of the PCMS 1904-1930."
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, pages 197, 351.

E. B. Ketcherside, Yuma, Ariz. The Old-Time Doctor. Southern California Practitioner, Los Angeles. October, 1908, p. 115.

J Am Med Assoc, May 1884; II: 490: FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TENNESSEE STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY, HELD AT CHATTANOOGA, TENN., APRIL 8 AND 9, 1884. ... The following were recommended for membership, and by unanimous vote, were elected : ... E. B. Ketcherside, Jasper.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1907; XLVIII: 1622: List of new members of the American Medical Association for the month of April, 1907: ARIZONA. Ketcherside, E. B., Yinna [i.e.,Yuma?].
J Am Med Assoc, May 1908; L: 1802: Arizona. State Medical Society Meeting. The seventeenth annual meeting of the Arizona Medical Association was held in Tucson, April 27-28. A surgical clinic was given by Dr. Mark A. Rogers at the Whitwell Hospital, and a banquet was given by the local profession in honor of the visiting delegates. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. Arthur W. Olcot [Olcott], Tucson; vice-presidents, Drs. John W. Foss, Phoenix, Clarence E. Yount, Prescott, and Albert L. Gustetter, Nogales; secretary, Dr. John W. Flinn, Prescott; treasurer, Dr. Enoch B. Ketcherside, Yuma; and councilor, Dr. John E. Bacon, Tombstone. The next meeting will be held in Prescott in May, 1909.
J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1923; 81: 1895: Enoch Blackburn Ketcherside, Yuma, Ariz. ; University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Memphis, 1884; aged 77 ; died, October 25, of senility.

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History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 4, page(s) 101
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Jasper TN