Hyland, Clarence Michael

Mentioned in the 4/12/1937 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954

J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1952; 150: 705: Hyland, Clarence Michael; Los Angeles; born Aug. 12, 1886; John A. Creighton Medical College, Omaha, 1916; past president and secretary of the American Human Serum Association, which he helped organize; member of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists of which he had been a councilor, American Public Health Association, Hollywood Academy of Medicine, and the Los Angeles Pathological Society; fellow of the American College of Physicians; specialist certified by the American Board of Pathology; during World War I chief of laboratory at General Hospital 31; known for his research in blood chemistry; was cited for his service to the armed forces in World War II; formerly clinical pathologist and director of laboratories at Children's Hospital; for the Children's Hospital Society founded a convalescent serum center, which grew into the Hyland Laboratories of which he was chairman of the board; died at his ranch in Apple Valley, Calif., Aug. 23, aged 66, of coronary thrombosis.
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Los Angeles CA