Chairman of the Arizona Industrial Commission. Mentioned in the 4/14/1942 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1937; 108: 1546: ARIZONA. Dr. Harold W. Rice, Bisbee, was chosen president-elect of the Arizona State Medical Association at its annual meeting in Yuma, April 1-3, and Dr. Chester R. Swackhamer, Superior, was installed as president. ... In addition to many other Arizona physicians on the program, the following participated in a session on industrial relations : Dr. Jesse D. Hamer, Phoenix, Report of the Industrial Relations Committee; Dr. Ralph F. Palmer, Phoenix, Industrial Surgery in Arizona; Responsibility of Organized Medicine and the Individual Industrial Surgeon Thereto; Drs. Emile C. Houle, Nogales, and Charles P. Austin, Douglas, Traumatic Emergency Surgery; Dr. William Jewell Smith, Phoenix, Injuries to the Eye Resulting from Foreign Bodies; Mr. Carl Holmes, The Arizona State Industrial Commission.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1937; 108: 1546: ARIZONA. Dr. Harold W. Rice, Bisbee, was chosen president-elect of the Arizona State Medical Association at its annual meeting in Yuma, April 1-3, and Dr. Chester R. Swackhamer, Superior, was installed as president. ... In addition to many other Arizona physicians on the program, the following participated in a session on industrial relations : Dr. Jesse D. Hamer, Phoenix, Report of the Industrial Relations Committee; Dr. Ralph F. Palmer, Phoenix, Industrial Surgery in Arizona; Responsibility of Organized Medicine and the Individual Industrial Surgeon Thereto; Drs. Emile C. Houle, Nogales, and Charles P. Austin, Douglas, Traumatic Emergency Surgery; Dr. William Jewell Smith, Phoenix, Injuries to the Eye Resulting from Foreign Bodies; Mr. Carl Holmes, The Arizona State Industrial Commission.
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