Heywood, Leland

Sloan, Richard E. History of Arizona. Phoenix, Record Pub. Co., 1930, volume 4 (Arizona biography), page 502: One of the most prominent professional men in Holbrook is Dr. Leland Heywood who commands a large and steadily growing dental practice and is greatly esteemed by all who know him. He was born in Alpine, Apache County, Arizona on the 17th day of April 1892 and is one of eleven children who blessed the union of Joseph Neal and Sarah Francial (Coleman) Heywood, the former of whom was a rancher and teacher. Dr. Heywood received his early education in the public schools of this state after which he attended in succession the University of Arizona, the University of Utah and the University of South Carolina. From the latter institution he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery in 1928. He spent a short time in Los Angeles and then came to Holbrook, where he has a nicely furnished and well equipped office. On August 18, 1921 Dr. Heywood married Margaret E. Smurthwait of Salt Lake City Utah and they are the parents of two children, Margaret Josephine and Barbara Lee. He loves outdoor life and hunting and fishing are his favorite forms of recreation.
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