Herring, Norman

An attorney. May have practiced in Tucson and may also have practiced in Phoenix at some point. May have been a deputy county attorney (for Pima County? Maricopa County?) at some point.
Mentioned in the 1953-12-07-05 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Dr. Manning - Norman Herring talked with me along these lines. Dr. Leo Kent will be called upon to testify in this case, and he was interested in knowing if the members will, in essence, not officially, back each other up as to testimony on common practice in Tucson. The lawyers feel that they cannot get one doctor to testify against each other, and he wanted some assurance that the physicians, as individuals, can get on the stand without causing other physicians to resent it.
Dr. Kent - My testimony will be the truth, but will not be damaging or incriminating.
Dr. Manning - The lawyers are trying very hard to be cooperative, and I think we might tell Mr. Herring that Dr. Kent is well known as a practitioner in Tucson and his testimony can be accepted.”
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