Hawley, Paul R.

Executive Officer for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield on 1948. Mentioned in the 2/9/1948 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. See also 1950-10-05-02 and 1953-03-05-11 minutes. Director, American College of Surgeons. The Hawley “newspaper article” (see 1953-03-05-11 minutes) likely refers to: Too Much Unnecessary Surgery: Interview with Dr. Paul Hawley. U.S. News and World Report. 1953. (February 20):48-55.

J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1953; 152: 839ff: Resolution on Dr. Paul R. Hawley. Whereas, Dr. Paul R. Hawley, the Director of the American College of Surgeons, who lists his address as 40 East Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois, a service member of the American Medical Association, recently was invited by the editors of the U. S. News and World Report, a lay magazine of national circulation and distribution, to their conference room, where there took place a certain interview appearing in the February 20, 1953, issue on pages 48 to 55, both inclusive, a true and correct copy of which interview is quoted below, and it appears that said interview consisted of many questions propounded to and answered by Dr. Hawley, on a variety of subjects touching the medical profession and the conduct of its members ... Whereas, It appears that the answers of Dr. Hawley in said interview contain misstatements and distortions of fact, unfounded and uncorroborated charges, platitudes, innuendoes, and generalizations with implications of a pernicious and unsavory nature, individual and collective self-laudation of grandiose proportions and scurrilous and derogatory remarks tending to bring the medical profession in disrepute and to make it subject to public suspicion, ridicule, and scorn; and Whereas, ... Resolved, That the delegates of the Illinois State Medical Society present this report of conditions in its entirety to the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association for inquiry, review, remedial measures, and disciplinary action at the earliest possible date. [Etc., etc.]

JAMA, Jan 1966; 195: A39: Maj Gen Paul R. Hawley, MC, USA, Dies. Maj Gen Paul R. Hawley, MC, USA Maj Gen Paul R. Hawley, MC, USA, a former director of the American College of Surgeons, died Nov 24 in Walter Reed Army Hospital. He was 74 years old and had been treated for cancer for several years. General Hawley retired from the Army in June 1946 to become the first chief medical director of the Veterans Administration. He initiated a 10-year-plan for the establishment of a medical corps patterned after the US Public Health Service, and set up a panel of 11 physicians as consultants to veterans' hospitals. He resigned his VA position in December 1947, and became the chief executive officer of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Commissions in April 1948. He served as ACS director from March 1, 1950 to Jan 31, 1961, when he retired. General Hawley entered the Army Medical Corps in 1916. After the United States entered World War II, he became first the chief surgeon of the US forces in the British Isles, and later chief surgeon of the European Theater of Operations. He received many honors and citations, including the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, and the Bronze Star Medal. Born Jan 31, 1891, in West College Corner, Ind, he received his MD degree from the University of Cincinnati, and the degree of Doctor of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. [includes photo]
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