Gustetter, Albert Louis

Middle name sometimes appears as “Lewis.”
Arrived in Nogales in 1903. ArMA president: 1921. Dates: ? – 1942. Graduate of the Medical College of Ohio in 1900.
Marine Hospital(?); Mira Monte Sanitorium (w/Purdy, H.W., McClintock, page 737); Quebbeman: Gustetter, Albert Louis
Arizona Medical Board record: Albert L. Gustsetter MD; license number: 37; license date: 5/23/1903; medical school: UNIV OF CINCINNATI COLL OF MED, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Listed in the 1935 Arizona State Medical Directory as: Louis A. Gustetter; address: Pickwick Bldg., Nogales.
Members of the PCMS 1904-1930
Kennedy, John W. Arizona Medical Association : the first hundred years, 1892-1991. Flagstaff, Ariz. : Heritage Publishers, 1993, page 150: Gustetter, Albert Lewis
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 345.
See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), pages 941-942.

GUSTETTER, A.L. [Acting Assistant-Surgeon, U. S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Nogales, Ariz.] QUININ IN PNEUMONIA. J Am Med Assoc. 1906;XLVI(11):799-800.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1909; LII: 1114: The annual meeting of Santa Cruz County Medical Society was held in Nogales, March 8, when the following officers were elected: President, Dr. Albert L. Gustetter, Nogales; vice-president, Dr. Paul R. Doran [i.e., Doron], Patagonia; censor, Dr. William F. Chenoweth, Nogales; secretary-treasurer, Dr. Alfred C. Kingsley, Nogales; and committee on public health legislation, Drs. Adolphus H. Noon and Harry W. Purdy, Nogales.
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1918; 70: 1773: ORDERS TO OFFICERS OF MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS. Arizona. To Fort Des Moines, Ia., base hospital, Capts. ALBERT L. GUSTETTER, Nogales; JOEL L. BUTLER, Tuscon [sic].
J Am Med Assoc, Jun 1921; 76: 1846: At the recent annual meeting of the Arizona State Medical Association, a resolution was adopted asking that the governor appoint to the vacancy in the state hospital a man trained in nervous diseases, regardless of politics. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: president, Dr. Albert Louis Gustetter, Nogales; vice president, Dr. Harry T. Southworth, Prescott; secretary, Dr. Delemere F. Harbridge, Phoenix; treasurer, Dr. Alvin Kirmse, Globe. The next meeting will be held at Prescott.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1921; 77: 1344: At a meeting of the state board of medical examiners, held, October 4, at Phoenix, Dr. Albert L. Gustetter, Nogales, was elected president.
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1935; 105: 382: Albert Louis Gustetter, Nogales, Ariz., to Mrs. Rose Sylvia of Hollywood, Calif., in Phoenix, Ariz., April 24.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1942; 118: 1238: Albert Louis Gustetter; Tucson, Ariz. ; Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, 1900 ; past president of the board of medical examiners ; veteran of the Spanish-American and World wars ; aged 65 ; died in January of pneumonia.

En Nogales, Arizona, ejercían por aquellos tiempos el Dr. A.L. Gusteter Walker [?] en el año de 1902, el Dr. Van A. Smelker en 1909 y un Dr. de apellido Smith. Source: Mascareñas S., Enrique. El Nogales de Ayer, Capítulo VIII: Servicios asistenciales []
Prestaron servicios médicos a las fuerzas revolucionarias, los doctores norteamericanos Fielding [i.e., Fielding, Romaine (q.v.)] y Gusteter. Source: Mascareñas S., Enrique. El Nogales de Ayer, Capítulo X. La Revolucion en Nogales: Toma de la Plaza de Nogales. []
En ese mismo año de 1902, instaló su consultorio médico el Dr. A.L. Gusteter Walter [?]. (foto 289). Source: Mascareñas S., Enrique. El Nogales de Ayer, Capitulo XVI: Descripción de calles y habitantes. []
[foto 289:]
Master pnID
Src2 PCMSMin
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 3, page(s) 140,141
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