Mentioned in the 2/5/1944 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. In the minutes honorary member, R.A. Gunter is referred to as both Col. and Lt. Col.
R. A. Gunter. Barbital Toxicosis: Three Cases. U. S. Veterans' Bureau M. Bull., Washington, D. C. 5: 323-406 (May) 1929, pp. 351ff.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1919; 73: 1709: HONORABLE DISCHARGES, MEDICAL CORPS, U. S. ARMY -- Georgia: ... Jackson—Gunter, R. A. (C.) [=Captain]
J Am Med Assoc, May 1926; 86: 1368: Missouri -- Attorney General's Opinion. -- Attorney General Gentry has given an opinion to the city counselor of St. Louis, stating that a physician not licensed in Missouri, although he had served in the U. S. Public Health Service, cannot act as hospital commissioner of the city of St. Louis or director of medical and tuberculosis dispensaries, without first being examined by the state board of health as to his qualifications and obtaining a license to practice. The ruling was made to establish the right of Dr. R. A. Gunter, head of the Veterans' Bureau at St. Louis, to accept the appointment of tuberculosis controller of that city. The opinion removes all doubt as to the right of a person to practice in Missouri even though his practice is limited to state, municipal or county service on a salary basis, without a license. Physicians in the service of the United States government are exempted by statute while they are serving in their official capacity.
JAMA, Mar 1965; 191: 784: Gunter, Royal Augustus; Atlanta; Atlanta School of Medicine, 1910; veteran of World Wars I and II; formerly associated with the Veterans Administration; died in the Georgia Baptist Hospital Dec 13, aged 78, of carcinoma of the pancreas.
R. A. Gunter. Barbital Toxicosis: Three Cases. U. S. Veterans' Bureau M. Bull., Washington, D. C. 5: 323-406 (May) 1929, pp. 351ff.
J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1919; 73: 1709: HONORABLE DISCHARGES, MEDICAL CORPS, U. S. ARMY -- Georgia: ... Jackson—Gunter, R. A. (C.) [=Captain]
J Am Med Assoc, May 1926; 86: 1368: Missouri -- Attorney General's Opinion. -- Attorney General Gentry has given an opinion to the city counselor of St. Louis, stating that a physician not licensed in Missouri, although he had served in the U. S. Public Health Service, cannot act as hospital commissioner of the city of St. Louis or director of medical and tuberculosis dispensaries, without first being examined by the state board of health as to his qualifications and obtaining a license to practice. The ruling was made to establish the right of Dr. R. A. Gunter, head of the Veterans' Bureau at St. Louis, to accept the appointment of tuberculosis controller of that city. The opinion removes all doubt as to the right of a person to practice in Missouri even though his practice is limited to state, municipal or county service on a salary basis, without a license. Physicians in the service of the United States government are exempted by statute while they are serving in their official capacity.
JAMA, Mar 1965; 191: 784: Gunter, Royal Augustus; Atlanta; Atlanta School of Medicine, 1910; veteran of World Wars I and II; formerly associated with the Veterans Administration; died in the Georgia Baptist Hospital Dec 13, aged 78, of carcinoma of the pancreas.
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St. Louis MO