Gotthelf, Edward John, Jr.

Arizona Medical Board record: Edward J. Gotthelf, Jr. MD; license date: 10/23/1915; medical school: UNIV OF IL COLL OF MED, Chicago, Illinois; graduation date: 06/11/1914. Address per 1935 Arizona State Medical Directory: 4 E. Congress St., Tucson.
Members of the PCMS 1904-1930
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].

Per PCMS 50th Anniversary program: “Once he was called to Greaterville after a murder, and was fired upon by the criminal, who escaped. He joined the U.S. Army Medical Corps during World War I and served overseas, receiving a French Legion of Honor citation. He returned to his post as county physician and was among the doctors who, during the 1921 smallpos epidemic, vaccinated 1800 person at Armory Park one Sunday. He recalls that he gave the first gas anaesthesia and administered the first spinal anaesthesia in Tucson.”

J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1916; LXVII: 370: Marriages -- Edward John Gotthelf, Jr., M.D., Tucson, Ariz., to Miss Edna Alexandra Pelto of Los Angeles, July 15.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1925; 85: 994: Marriages -- Edward John Gotthelf, Jr., Tucson, Ariz., to Mrs. Ernestyne Norris Ferguson of El Paso, Texas, July 8.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1931; 96: 446: Dr. Meade Clyne, Tucson, was recently appointed health officer of Pima County, succeeding Dr. Edward J. Gotthelf, Jr. Dr. Lewis H. Howard was appointed assistant.
JAMA, Aug 1964; 189: 395: Gotthelf, Edward John, Tucson, Ariz; University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, 1914; veteran of World War I; for many years member and chairman of the state board of medical examiners; on the staff of St. Mary's Hospital; died May 19, aged 74, of a heart attack.
Master pnID
Src2 PCMSMin
History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 3, page(s) 89-91
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