Gibson, Sam T.

Associate director of the blood program for the American National Red Cross, Washington, D.C. Mentioned in the 1954-01-12-02 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.

Sam T. Gibson. Serum Hepatitis. JAMA, Oct 1963; 186: 272.

J Am Med Assoc, Nov 1946; 132: 526: NAVAL RESERVE MEDICAL OFFICERS RECOMMENDED FOR RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY. Massachusetts. Gibson, Sam T. ... Boston.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1956; 160: 1151: A blood bank institute and workshop for medical technologists in Catholic hospitals will be offered at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, April 2-6. Highlights of the program will include.... "Transfusion in Disease, Blood Substitutes and Fractions," Dr. Sam T. Gibson, medical director, American National Red Cross, Washington, D. C; ...
JAMA, Jun 1967; 200: 38: Sam T. Gibson, MD, has been appointed assistant director of the Division of Biologic Standards at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Dr. Gibson will assist the director in matters concerning licensing, inspection, and control activities, particularly those having medical implications. Dr. Gibson had been on the staff of the American National Red Cross and senior medical officer of the Red Cross prior to his appointment.
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