Also appears as “R.E. Gampel” and as “Gampbell.” Mentioned in the 1949-10-10-05, 1949-10-11-01 and 1949-12-31-01 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1949; 141: 94: Series of AMA-Press Discussions Opened. A number of leading commentators and columnists on the Washington scene participated in a round table discussion on American medicine in the national capital on August 22. It was the first in a series sponsored by the National Education Committee of AMA, to be conducted in various sections of the country. Taking part in the opening program were Dr. George Lull. Dr. Elmer L. Henderson, Dr. John Cline, Dr. Ralph J. Gampell, Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1949; 141: 211: Wisconsin. The State Medical Society of Wisconsin will hold its annual meeting at the Milwaukee Auditorium, Milwaukee October 1-5. ... Dr. Ralph J. Gampell, San Francisco, lately of the University of Manchester, England, will speak at the annual dinner Tuesday on "Socialized Medicine as I Saw It."
J Am Med Assoc, May 1950; 143: 380 - 381: IOWA: Public Meeting on British Medical Practice. -- The Dubuque County Medical Society on May 10 was host at a dinner to more than 200 persons representing labor unions, civic and church groups, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and tew. After dinner the guests and the general public met at the senior high school auditorium, where, under the sponsorship of the medical society and the Dubuque Adult Educational Forum, an open forum was held on the British system of medical practice. Guest speakers were Dr. Ralph J. Gampell of San Francisco, formerly from Manchester, England, and Mrs. Molly Moon Samore of Sioux City, formerly from Lancastershire, England. Dr. Gampell spoke on "Medical Practice Under the British System," and Mrs. Samore, ''The Patient Under the British Scheme."
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1950; 143: 904: Joint Meeting on Socialized Medicine. Medicine, dentistry and pharmacy will join forces in the socialized medicine fight against July 9 at a joint meeting in the Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield. The meeting will be sponsored by the Illinois State Medical Society in collaboration with the Illinois State Dental Society and the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association. Members of women's auxiliaries will also be invited. Representatives of every downstate component organization of the three groups will be present. Moderator of the meeting will be Kaywin Kennedy of Bloomington, past president of the Illinois State Bar Association. Speakers will include U. S. Senator Karl E. Mundt of South Dakota; Dr. Rufus B. Robins of Camden, Ark., Democratic national committeeman, who has consistently opposed the socializing elements of his party, and Dr. Ralph J. Gampell, British surgeon who abandoned his practice there and came to this country.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1949; 141: 94: Series of AMA-Press Discussions Opened. A number of leading commentators and columnists on the Washington scene participated in a round table discussion on American medicine in the national capital on August 22. It was the first in a series sponsored by the National Education Committee of AMA, to be conducted in various sections of the country. Taking part in the opening program were Dr. George Lull. Dr. Elmer L. Henderson, Dr. John Cline, Dr. Ralph J. Gampell, Clem Whitaker and Leone Baxter.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1949; 141: 211: Wisconsin. The State Medical Society of Wisconsin will hold its annual meeting at the Milwaukee Auditorium, Milwaukee October 1-5. ... Dr. Ralph J. Gampell, San Francisco, lately of the University of Manchester, England, will speak at the annual dinner Tuesday on "Socialized Medicine as I Saw It."
J Am Med Assoc, May 1950; 143: 380 - 381: IOWA: Public Meeting on British Medical Practice. -- The Dubuque County Medical Society on May 10 was host at a dinner to more than 200 persons representing labor unions, civic and church groups, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and tew. After dinner the guests and the general public met at the senior high school auditorium, where, under the sponsorship of the medical society and the Dubuque Adult Educational Forum, an open forum was held on the British system of medical practice. Guest speakers were Dr. Ralph J. Gampell of San Francisco, formerly from Manchester, England, and Mrs. Molly Moon Samore of Sioux City, formerly from Lancastershire, England. Dr. Gampell spoke on "Medical Practice Under the British System," and Mrs. Samore, ''The Patient Under the British Scheme."
J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1950; 143: 904: Joint Meeting on Socialized Medicine. Medicine, dentistry and pharmacy will join forces in the socialized medicine fight against July 9 at a joint meeting in the Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield. The meeting will be sponsored by the Illinois State Medical Society in collaboration with the Illinois State Dental Society and the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association. Members of women's auxiliaries will also be invited. Representatives of every downstate component organization of the three groups will be present. Moderator of the meeting will be Kaywin Kennedy of Bloomington, past president of the Illinois State Bar Association. Speakers will include U. S. Senator Karl E. Mundt of South Dakota; Dr. Rufus B. Robins of Camden, Ark., Democratic national committeeman, who has consistently opposed the socializing elements of his party, and Dr. Ralph J. Gampell, British surgeon who abandoned his practice there and came to this country.
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Manchester, England
San Francisco CA