Post surgeon at Fort Lowell beginning Mar 6, 1887. Left on Aug 9, 1887 because of illness.
Name sometimes appears as “Freyer.”
Schuler, Harold H. “We served at Fort Lowell.” Arizona Historical Society, 2000.
Schuler, Harold H. “Fort Lowell Hospital.” ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 2000. [“Fryer, Burdette E.” in “Fort Lowell Hospital” is incorrect.]
J Am Med Assoc, May 1884; II: 615: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, United States Army, from May 17, 1884, May 23, 1884. ... Fryer, Blencowe E., Major and Surgeon. From Department of Missouri to Department of Dakota.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1887; VIII: 224: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, United States Army, from February 5, 1887, to February 11, 1887. ...
Major Blencowe E. Fryer, Surgeon, ordered to Ft. Lowell, Ariz. Ter.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1887; VIII: 560: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, United States Army, from April 30, 1887, to May 6, 1887. ... Major Blencowe E. Fryer, Surgeon, ordered for examination by Army Retiring Board, at San Francisco, Cal.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1890; XV: 592: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, U. S. Army, from October 4, 1890, to October 10,1890. Promotions. Major Blencowe E. Fryer, Surgeon, to be Asst. Medical Purveyor, with the rank of Lieut.-Col., August 28, 1890.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1891; XVI: 360: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, U. S. Army, from February 21, 1891, to February 27, 1891. ... Lieut. Col. Blencowe E. Fryer, Asst. Medical Purveyor, having been found incapacitated by Army Retiring Board, on account of disability incident to the service, is, by direction of the President, retired from active service this date, under the provisions of Section 1251, Revised Statutes...
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1891; XVI: 432: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, U. S. Army, from March 7, 1891, to March 13, 1891. RETIREMENT.
Lieut. Col. Blencowe E. Fryer, Asst. Medical Purveyor, February 24, 1891.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1893; XXI: 548: The University Medical College of Kansas City, have leased All Saints' Hospital, and organized a new staff. Dr. B. E. Fryer is President of the Board of Managers.
J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1893; XXI: 992: Dr. John S. Fryer of Kansas City, son of Dr. B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. has been appointed Third Assistant Surgeon at the Soldiers Home. The appointments are made by the National Board of Managers, who act on the recommendation of the surgeon in charge and the Governor of the Home.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1898; XXX: 982: Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryngological and Rhinological Association. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting held in Chicago, April 7 and 8, 1898. ... The President of the Association, Dr. B. E. Fryer of Kansas City, was then presented and delivered a brief address in which he dwelt upon general matters pertaining to the work of the Association.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1900; XXXV: 833: Missouri. The Medico-Chirurgical College, Kansas City, began its fourth year, September 12. Addresses were made by Dr. Blencowe E. Fryer on "The Pleasures of Medical Studies"; by Dr. Eugene R. Lewis, on "Now and Then," and others. A new $15,000 building for the college is to be erected during the present year.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1901; XXXVI: 746: Missouri. The German Hospital, Kansas City, has the following medical staff for the year: ... Drs. Blencowe E. Fryer and John H. Thompson, oculists and aurists.
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1911; LVII: 754: Blencowe E. Fryer, M.D. University Of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1859; colonel, medical corps. U. S. Army, retired; one of the most prominent ophthalmologists of tlie southwest; died at Marquette, Mich.. August 13. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Dr. Fryer entered the Army as assistant surgeon and passed through the successive gradea to lieutenant colonel before his retirement in 1891, and received his promotion to colonel retired in 1904. While he was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Major Fryer was called to the chair of ophthalmology in Kansas City Medical College, and was made permanent professor of that branch ten years Inter, and thereafter confined his medical work to diseases of the eye and ear. He was a member of the American Academy of Medicine, American Ophthalmological Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology; Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, and was associate editor of the American Journal of Ophthalmology. Dr. Fryer was a surgeon of skill and judgment and a student of medical science of rare acumen and originality, and his death is deplored by his many friends, both in and out of the profession.
Name sometimes appears as “Freyer.”
Schuler, Harold H. “We served at Fort Lowell.” Arizona Historical Society, 2000.
Schuler, Harold H. “Fort Lowell Hospital.” ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 2000. [“Fryer, Burdette E.” in “Fort Lowell Hospital” is incorrect.]
J Am Med Assoc, May 1884; II: 615: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, United States Army, from May 17, 1884, May 23, 1884. ... Fryer, Blencowe E., Major and Surgeon. From Department of Missouri to Department of Dakota.
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1887; VIII: 224: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, United States Army, from February 5, 1887, to February 11, 1887. ...
Major Blencowe E. Fryer, Surgeon, ordered to Ft. Lowell, Ariz. Ter.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1887; VIII: 560: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, United States Army, from April 30, 1887, to May 6, 1887. ... Major Blencowe E. Fryer, Surgeon, ordered for examination by Army Retiring Board, at San Francisco, Cal.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1890; XV: 592: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, U. S. Army, from October 4, 1890, to October 10,1890. Promotions. Major Blencowe E. Fryer, Surgeon, to be Asst. Medical Purveyor, with the rank of Lieut.-Col., August 28, 1890.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1891; XVI: 360: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, U. S. Army, from February 21, 1891, to February 27, 1891. ... Lieut. Col. Blencowe E. Fryer, Asst. Medical Purveyor, having been found incapacitated by Army Retiring Board, on account of disability incident to the service, is, by direction of the President, retired from active service this date, under the provisions of Section 1251, Revised Statutes...
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1891; XVI: 432: Official List of Changes in the Stations and Duties of Officers Serving in the Medical Department, U. S. Army, from March 7, 1891, to March 13, 1891. RETIREMENT.
Lieut. Col. Blencowe E. Fryer, Asst. Medical Purveyor, February 24, 1891.
J Am Med Assoc, Oct 1893; XXI: 548: The University Medical College of Kansas City, have leased All Saints' Hospital, and organized a new staff. Dr. B. E. Fryer is President of the Board of Managers.
J Am Med Assoc, Dec 1893; XXI: 992: Dr. John S. Fryer of Kansas City, son of Dr. B. E. Fryer, U. S. A. has been appointed Third Assistant Surgeon at the Soldiers Home. The appointments are made by the National Board of Managers, who act on the recommendation of the surgeon in charge and the Governor of the Home.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1898; XXX: 982: Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryngological and Rhinological Association. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting held in Chicago, April 7 and 8, 1898. ... The President of the Association, Dr. B. E. Fryer of Kansas City, was then presented and delivered a brief address in which he dwelt upon general matters pertaining to the work of the Association.
J Am Med Assoc, Sep 1900; XXXV: 833: Missouri. The Medico-Chirurgical College, Kansas City, began its fourth year, September 12. Addresses were made by Dr. Blencowe E. Fryer on "The Pleasures of Medical Studies"; by Dr. Eugene R. Lewis, on "Now and Then," and others. A new $15,000 building for the college is to be erected during the present year.
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1901; XXXVI: 746: Missouri. The German Hospital, Kansas City, has the following medical staff for the year: ... Drs. Blencowe E. Fryer and John H. Thompson, oculists and aurists.
J Am Med Assoc, Aug 1911; LVII: 754: Blencowe E. Fryer, M.D. University Of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1859; colonel, medical corps. U. S. Army, retired; one of the most prominent ophthalmologists of tlie southwest; died at Marquette, Mich.. August 13. At the outbreak of the Civil War, Dr. Fryer entered the Army as assistant surgeon and passed through the successive gradea to lieutenant colonel before his retirement in 1891, and received his promotion to colonel retired in 1904. While he was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Major Fryer was called to the chair of ophthalmology in Kansas City Medical College, and was made permanent professor of that branch ten years Inter, and thereafter confined his medical work to diseases of the eye and ear. He was a member of the American Academy of Medicine, American Ophthalmological Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology; Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, and was associate editor of the American Journal of Ophthalmology. Dr. Fryer was a surgeon of skill and judgment and a student of medical science of rare acumen and originality, and his death is deplored by his many friends, both in and out of the profession.
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Ft. Lowell
Kansas City MO