Frick, A. P.

Fort Lowell contract citizen surgeon. Date?
Schuler, Harold H. “Fort Lowell Hospital.” ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 2000.
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 342.

J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1884; II: 443: Domestic Correspondence. FROM WASHINGTON. ... Bill 1920 was introduced in the Senate by Mr. Mitchell, to appoint Dr. A. P. Frick an Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A., to date from Nov. 1, 1882, and to relieve him from the operation of general orders relative to requirements of all candidates for appointment in the Medical Corps.
J Am Med Assoc, May 1884; II: 529 - 530: Domestic Correspondence. FROM WASHINGTON. April 22. The Senate Military Committee reported adversely on Senate Bill 1920, providing for the appointment of Dr. A. P. Frick as an assistant surgeon in the Army. The committee in its report gives the following letter from Surgeon-General Murray, which is heartily endorsed by the Secretary of War in his letter transmitting it to the Senate: "An endeavor to secure through Congressional legislation an appointment in the Medical Department of the Army, setting aside prescribed regulations, establishes a dangerous precedent, and one which is viewed by this office with marked disapproval. The statutes and regulations governing the admission of candidates to the Army Medical Department are the result of the experience of years, and have been supplied by officers thoroughly conversant with the needs of the service, and have in view the perpetuation of thorough efficiency by the selection of young and vigorous men whose qualifications, both physical and professional, for the positions are rigidly scrutinized by a duly appointed examining board. No departure from the present system or relaxation, conceded to be wise and just, can but result in the demoralization of the department, and is greatly to be deprecated. The employment of doctors known as contract surgeons has heretofore been a matter of pure necessity to supplement the regular corps or to provide medical assistance for U.S. troops in emergencies, when the services of commissioned officers could not be had. As a rule they are not examined by a board as to their qualifications, but are taken upon recommendation, and the length of their service is dependent upon the emergency or circumstance which required their employment. The gradual concentration of army posts renders it now possible to dispense to a great degree with this class of doctors. In the case of Dr. Frick, there is no good reason why he should be preferred over many others who have done good and meritorious service as contract surgeons, and if the precedent is established in his case the result will be similar legislation in many other cases ; by which the Medical Department will be filled by men who are rapidly passing the age of efficiency, and who in many cases are unfit for the position by lack of education and professional acquirements."
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