Freyberg, Richard E.

Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954 give middle initial as “E.” instead of “H.” Not certain whether “American Rheumatism Society” refers to the “American Rheumatism Association” or the “Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation.”
February 8, 1949 minutes: “The speaker of the evening, Dr. Richard E. Freyberg, was introduced by Dr. W. Paul Holbrook. Dr. Freyberg is Professor of Clinical Medicine, Cornell University and President of the American Rheumatism Society. His subject was ‘Recent Advances in Therapeutics and Investigation of Rheumatic Diseases’, and slides were shown.”

Professor of Clinical Medicine at Cornell University. Also associated with the formation of the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation (now the Arthritis Foundation; see

J Am Med Assoc, Jul 1948; 137: 1142: The Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. -- Dr. W. Paul Holbrook, Tucson, Ariz., has announced the formation of a foundation to promote the study of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. The new foundation is sponsored by the American Rheumatism Association in cooperation with the National Arthritis Research Foundation, the Detroit Fund for Crippling Diseases, and others. ... The medical policies and activities of the new foundation will be under the direction of a medical and scientific committee now being organized. The chairman of the board of directors is Floyd B. Odium, Indio, Calif., president of the Atlas Corporation. ... In addition to Mr. Odium and Dr. Holbrook, the president, the board of directors of the new foundation are : ... Dr. Richard H. Freyberg, New York, associate professor of clinical medicine, Cornell University Medical College, and president of the American Rheumatism Association....
J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1957; 163: 367: Texas. The University of Texas Postgraduate School of Medicine, Houston, will present a course, "Rheumatic Diseases: Present-Day Concepts and Their Management," at Houston, Feb. 27-March 1. Drs. Joseph J. Bunim, Bethesda, Md.; Richard H. Freyberg, New York; and William P. Holbrook, Tucson, Ariz., guest lecturers, will be assisted by faculty members of the postgraduate school....

Saxon, Wolfgang. Dr. Richard H. Freyberg, 94, an Arthritis Expert [obituary]. New York Times, January 31, 1999, p. 133. Dr. Richard Harold Freyberg, a leading rheumatologist who helped organize the Arthritis Foundation and build it into today's 700,000-member organization with a professional staff of 750, died Jan. 23 at his retirement home in Venice, Fla. He was 94 and formerly lived in Scarsdale, N.Y. Dr. Freyberg came to New York in 1944 as director of the newly established Division of Rheumatic Diseases at the Hospital for Special Surgery in Manhattan, a post he filled for nearly three decades. Concurrently, he served as chief of the arthritis clinic at New York Hospital. He left for Palm Desert, Calif., in 1974 to help establish the Arthritis and Rheumatism Wing of Eisenhower Medical Center there. After retiring to Florida, he remained active in his field as a lecturer and writer. Dr. Freyberg was co-author of ''The History of Rheumatology,'' published in 1985 by the Arthritis Foundation. (Source:
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