Flach, Ed R.

See also: McClintock, James H. Arizona, Prehistoric, Aboriginal, Pioneer, Modern; the Nation's Youngest Commonwealth within a Land of Ancient Culture. Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (aka Arizona, the Youngest State), volume 3 (Biographical), page 250: Ed R. Flach, graduate pharmacist and now at the head of the only drug store in Tombstone, was born in New Hamburg,Ontario in 1870. He is a son of Henry G and Henrietta Carolina (Hofman) Flach, natives of Germany, who in their early years settled in New York City where their marriage occurred. They lived there for a number of years and later removed to Canada where the father engaged in the jewelry business until his death which occurred at St. Thomas Ontario. The mother survives him and makes her home in that city. Ed R. Flach is the youngest son in a family of eight children. He acquired his early education in the public schools of New Hamburg and was afterwards graduated from the Toronto College of Pharmacy in May 1890. After receiving his degree he traveled through many parts of the United States, finally locating in 1902 in Tombstone, where he has since remained. He established himself in the drug business, conducting the only enterprise of this character in the community. He owns an attractive home in Tombstone and in addition has other valuable property. Mr. Flach was married in 1904 to Miss Elizabeth G. Knotwell who was born in England and came to America in 1903, her parents having died in their native country. She is one of a family of two children, the other still a resident of England. Mr. and Mrs. Flach have five children: Irla G., Ruth K., Lillian G., Edward H., and Harry K.

Proprietor of the Tombstone Drug Co. Graduate of the Ontario College of Pharmacy, [Ontario, Canada]. See Tombstone in history, romance and wealth, The Prospector, 1903, page 36. Source: http://books.google.com/books?id=0cYUAAAAYAAJ
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