Fielding, Romaine

Dates: May 22, 1867- Dec. 15, 1927.

Eckhardt, Joseph P. The king of the movies: film pioneer Siegmund Lubin. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 1997, page 129: Though [Fielding] had been born William Grant Blandin, in Iowa, he claimed to be the son of wealthy Spanish and Italian-French parents living on the island of Corsica. He also claimed to have had extensive medical training in prestigious medical schools. In fact he had none, though this had not deterred him from opening a medical practice in Kansas City, Missouri, under one of his several pseudonyms.

Woal, Linda Kowall. Romaine Fielding: The West's Touring Auteur. Film History, Vol. 7, No. 4, (Winter, 1995), pp. 401-425. Excerpt [page 402]: 'Official' biographies stated that he was born in Corsica of mixed Spanish, Italian and French ancestry. After losing his inheritance and coming to America, they continue, he attended Shattuck Military Academy, the University of Minnesota and, later, Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons before entering the theatre and, after a number of years, motion pictures. The truth, pieced together years later by his son, the late Romaine Fielding, Jr., is far more colourful.... Excerpt [pages 410-411]: …In discussing Fielding's stay in Nogales, mention must be made of his own adventures on the Mexican border during the Battle of Nogales. A brief skirmish in the long and bloody Mexican Revolution, the battle erupted on 13 March 1913. Seeking permission to go behind the lines from Col. Emilio Kosterlitzky, leader of the federalist troops defending the city from being taken by insurgents, Fielding was denied. Undaunted, he festooned his auto with the Geneva Cross and drove behind the lines. Although it's still unknown whether Fielding ever actually attended the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons or was merely a true believer in his own publicity, he was reported to have made numerous trips across the border to transport the wounded from both sides and, working closely with pioneer physician and diplomat Dr. Albert Gustetter [q.v.], was listed as one of the four Red Cross surgeons who treated the casualties. In the company of revolutionary leaders Juan Cabral and General Alvaro Obregon, he also shot a reported 12 hours of documentary footage while he and his cameraman dodged bullets and their camera took a number of hits [footnote 54]. Of this footage, only a reel of Mexican War Pictures survives, a compilation of fragmentary moving vignettes which, despite their incompleteness, provide valuable historical footage of the battle from both sides, the leaders featuring Obregon who would become the first President of Mexico, and the Red Cross surgeons, including Drs. Gustetter and Fielding, treating the wounded…. [footnote 54: Lubin Scrapbook Folios, Vol.2, March 1913, 'Fielding on Job in Mexican Troubles' and other various newspaper and trade magazine clippings; Nogales Vidette, 14 March 1913; 'Fielding Decidedly Busy,' Motography, 3 May 1913: 306; Carolyn Lowrey, 'Photoplays and Players,' New York Telegraph, 1 November 1914: n.p.]

Smith, Cornelius Cole. Emilio Kosterlitzky, eagle of Sonora and the Southwest border. A. H. Clark Co., 1970, page 184: During the entire forenoon Dr. Gustetter, Mr. A. Smalker [i.e., Smelker, Van Archibald (q.v.)] and Mr. Romaine Fielding of the Red Cross made trips back and forth across the line, carrying the wounded of both sides to St. Joseph's Hospital on the American side...

Prestaron servicios médicos a las fuerzas revolucionarias, los doctores norteamericanos Fielding y Gusteter [Gustetter, Albert Louis (q.v.)]. Source: Mascareñas S., Enrique. El Nogales de Ayer, Capítulo X. La Revolucion en Nogales: Toma de la Plaza de Nogales. []

See also: Smith, Cornelius Cole. Fort Huachuca : the story of a frontier post. [Washington, D.C. : Dept. of the Army], 1981.
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