Ferrin, Theresa Marx

'Angel' helped heal early Tucson by Jan Cleere, Arizona Daily Star, August 16, 2014: ... Born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1846, Therese and her family immigrated to San Francisco around 1874. A milliner by trade, she also had extensive knowledge of medicinal herbs and plants that she probably brought with her from Germany. Through her millinery work, she met Joseph [Ferrin], and the couple married in San Francisco in 1878...     With her knowledge of herbs and plants, Therese was soon in demand to help mend broken bones, ease a fever or alleviate the pain of childbirth. Local physician John C. Handy recognized that she could help his patients, and the two started making rounds together. Handy got himself in all sorts of scandalous trouble, but Therese continued nursing the sick and injured. Her daughter Clara once said she dreaded the sound of the buggy that would come and take her mother away in the middle of the night “to nurse some sick friends.”

Walking tour honors women of distinction by Bonnie Henry, Arizona Daily Star, January 24, 2010: Theresa Marx Ferrin. Known as "The Angel of Tucson," Ferrin was a practical nurse who accompanied Dr. John Handy on emergency calls. In 1890, she was named president of the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Association and was the driving force behind Arizona's first Jewish synagogue, erected in 1910 at 564 S. Stone Ave. ... The one-time residence of Theresa Marx Ferrin, former practical nurse and herbalist. It's now the Cushing Street Bar and Restaurant, which opens at 4:30 p.m. every day.

See also: “Handy, John Charles”

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