In the Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954 referred to as “Joseph” or “Joe.” ~1903-1970 (Tucson Citizen 7/18/1970). Arizona Medical Board record: Orin J. Farness MD; license date: 7/8/1936; address: 1535 N Tucson Blvd, Tucson; area of interest: internal medicine.
Pima County Medical Society (Tucson, Arizona). Sombrero, December 1984.
See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Tucson Daily Citizen, Apr 9, 1960: Farness will head board of Comstock [Children's Hospital].
Tucson Daily Citizen, Nov 28, 1969: Renaming of lab [as [the Farness Cardiopulmonary Laboratory] honors service of O. J. Farness.
Arizona Daily Star, Nov 29, 1969: TMC [Tucson Medical Center] honors Dr. Farness by renaming laboratory.
Arizona Daily Star, Sep 5, 1970: Pet dog was guinea pig in valley fever research.
Star-Citizen, Jul 16, 1970: Dr. O. J. Farness, chest specialist, dies in Houston.
Tucson Citizen, Jul 18, 1970: Dr. Farness, 67, dies; valley fever expert.
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1941; 116: 1861: Medical News. Tuberculosis Meetings in San Antonio. The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the National Tuberculosis Association, the thirty-sixth annual meeting of the American Trudeau Society and the seventeenth annual meeting of the National Conference of Tuberculosis Secretaries will be held on May 5-8 at the Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. A joint session of the tuberculosis association and the Trudeau society will be devoted to discussions of "National Defense and Health" by Dr. Knox E. Miller, U. S. Public Health Service; Comdr. Robert E. Duncan, M. C, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C, and Lieut. Col. William C. Pollock, M. C, U. S. Army, Denver. Among speakers before the Trudeau society, which is the medical section of the association, will be : ... Drs. O. Jocevious Farness and Charles W. Mills, Tucson, Ariz., Coccidioidal Infection of the Lung.
JAMA, Dec 1970; 214: 1898: Farness, Orin J., Tucson, Ariz; Minnesota, 1932; certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine; veteran of World War II; past president of the Pima County Medical Society; served as a member of the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners; affiliated with the Tucson Medical Center, St. Mary's Hospital, and the Veterans Administration Hospital; died in the M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston July 18, aged 63, of acute granulocytic leukemia.