Faris, Hervey (“Harry”) Samuel

Mentioned in the 5/11/1937 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954. “Harry Farris” in the 1940-02-13 minutes is probably the same person. Arizona Medical Board record: Hervey S. Faris MD; license date: 4/7/1937; area of interest: radiology.
Pima County Medical Society (Tucson, Arizona). Sombrero, November 1984.

Note: There is an entry for Mrs. Hervey Faris in History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].

JAMA, Nov 1970; 214: 1720: Faris, Hervey Samuel; Santa Barbara, Calif; Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1926; certified by the American Board of Radiology; died July 31, aged 77, of cerebrovascular accident and diabetes mellitus.
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