See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Barnes, Will C. "The Apaches' Last Stand -- The Battle of the Big Dry Wash." Arizona Historical Review (January 1931). Excerpts: page 41: The following account of the fight is taken from Britton Davis' recent book, "The Truth About Geronimo," by permission of the Yale University Press, and also with Gen. Cruse's consent. ... page 43: "As our line closed in there was a furious burst of fire from the hostiles, causing several casualties among the troops, among others, Lieutenant Morgan, Third Cavalry, who had joined West after his Indian scouts had been left behind the line ; and Sergeant Conn, Troop E, Sixth. As the line advanced from tree to tree, Morgan had chances to fire at hostiles several times and finally dropped one. Elated over his success he called out, "I got him." In doing this he exposed his position to another Indian in the same nest who thereupon fired and got Morgan through the arm, into the side and apparently through both lungs. The soldiers got the Indian. "We thought sure that Morgan would die that night but he is still living and in good health, a colonel on the retired list. The surgeon (Dr.—later Colonel Ewing) found that when the bullet broke the arm bone its force was so lessened that it did not break the rib, as from the hole made we supposed it had, but slid around it under the skin and lodged in the muscles of the back, where it was finally dug out and presented to Morgan. "Sergeant Conn was a character in the Sixth Cavalry and had been with the regiment for about twenty years. The bullet hit him full in the throat, made a ghastly hole, pushed aside the jugular vein (so the surgeon claimed), grazed the vertebra and passed out, leaving a hole as big as a silver dollar ; all this in the neck that wore a number thirteen collar. ..."
J Am Med Assoc. 1918;70(14):1023: Major Charles B. Ewing, M.D., U. S. Army (retired), Baltimore ; Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, 1879; aged 59; a Fellow of the American Medical Association ; was appointed assistant surgeon in the Army, July 5, 1884; was promoted captain in 1889, and major in 1901; he was appointed a brigade surgeon of volunteers with the rank of major in June, 1898, and major and surgeon of volunteers, Nov. 1, 1899; he was retired, Nov. 17, 1909; died at his home, March 1.