Dutcher, Egbert William

See History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673].
Quebbeman, Frances E. Medicine in territorial Arizona. Phoenix : Arizona Historical Foundation, 1966, page 339.

A historical and biographical record of the territory of Arizona. Chicago,McFarland & Poole, 1896, page 492: DR. E. W. DUTCHER. The man who rises to an enviable place in the medical profession rises by his own individuality, and is never pushed up on the wave of a growing and general movement, like the rising tide of commerce—often the success of the merchant is but a part of the success of the branch in which he has invested, and is referable only slightly to his individual efforts. The physician's advancement to prominence is more often the just reward of personal merit and professional learning, efficiency and success. This thought has been suggested by a brief consideration of the professional career of Dr. E. W. Dutcher, who may be regarded as a representative, both worthy and conspicuous, of the better element in this profession of self-made men. He was born in Cooperstown, New York, April 3, 1848, a son of Peter and Desiah (Parshall) Dutcher, who were also born in the Empire State, but were of Holland Dutch descent. The father was a successful tiller of the soil and in the management of his estate was thrifty and painstaking, as are the majority of those of his nationality. To him and his wife a family of eight children was given, but six of whom are living at the present time, of whom the Doctor is the youngest. He was reared in Cooperstown, received his literary education in Hartwick Seminary and began the study of medicine with Dr. George Merritt of Cherry Valley, New York. After thorough preparation he entered Albany Medical College, and was graduated from that institution in December, 1870, after which he at once entered upon the practice of his profession at Sidney Plains, New York, where he was engaged in healing the pains and ailments to which the human family is heir for about three years. He then went to Nineveh. New York, and after a residence there of six years he resided for a like period in Allegany, New York. At about this period he decided to make his home in the West, and in 1886 took up his residence in Tulare, California, but since June, 1892, his home has been in Prescott, Arizona. It was but a short time before his professional ability became recognized and he entered upon a successful and active professional career, his labors in behalf of suffering humanity meeting with satisfactory results. He stands high in the profession and is a member of the Arizona Medical Society, and socially belongs to the Masonic fraternity. Dr. Dutcher is a man of family, and in 1878 was united in marriage with Miss Ida A. Smith, a native of Broome County, New York, who has borne him two bright and interesting children, Egbert K. and Emma I. Mrs. Dutcher is a member of the Episcopal Church and an intelligent and amiable woman. Politically, the Doctor has always supported the principles of the Democratic party.
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History of Arizona medicine; collections of Orville Harry Brown, M.D. [AHSL Special Collections WZ 70 AA7 H673]
volume 2, page(s) 175,179,184
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