Mentioned in the 6/30/1940 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Tucson Senior High School—Rent & incidentals Apr. 18th for Dr. Duke’s [sic] lecture”
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1940; 114: 1466: The meeting of the Arizona State Medical Association will be held at Tucson, April 17-20, with headquarters at the Santa Rita Hotel and under the presidency of Dr. Charles S. Smith, Nogales. … Dr. Charles A. Dukes, Oakland, Calif., president of the California Medical Association, will give a public address Thursday evening on "Voluntary Budgeting for Medical and Hospital Needs and the Dangers of Compulsory Insurance Politically Controlled."
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1942; 118: 996: Charles Alfred Dukes; Oakland, Calif.; Vice President of the American Medical Association, died on March 13 at a local hospital as the result of an intestinal infection, aged 69. Dr. Dukes was born in Numa, Iowa, April 23, 1872, and graduated from the Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, in 1895. For many years he was a visiting surgeon at the Veterans Administration Facility at Livermore, Calif., and he was also a member of the staffs of the Merritt Hospital, the Highland-Alameda County Hospital in Oakland, and the Fairmont Hospital in San Leandro. Throughout his career Dr. Dukes gave freely of himself to public service and to medical organization. In the California State Medical Association he had occupied practically all offices, including that of president. He had been chairman of the Cancer Commission and of the Public Relations Committee. In 1941 he was made a member of the Alameda County Institutions Commission, and in 1942 he was appointed a director of the California Safety Council. In the American Medical Association he had served previously as a member of the House of Delegates from 1933 to 1938 and in 1940. In 1940 he became a member of the Committee on Medical Preparedness and more recently had been made chairman of the Corps Area Committee of the Procurement and Assignment Service for Physicians, Dentists and Veterinarians. He was a member of the American College of Chest Physicians and also a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, of which he was formerly vice president. In every phase of medical activity in California his wise judgment and leadership had been highly prized and in recent years equally in all phases of national concern. Especially in the work of preparedness and of medical service in the war he had given unstintedly of his time, traveling repeatedly from the west coast to Chicago and to Washington to participate in essential conferences. [photo caption: Charles Alfred Dukes, M.D., 1872-1942]
J Am Med Assoc, Apr 1940; 114: 1466: The meeting of the Arizona State Medical Association will be held at Tucson, April 17-20, with headquarters at the Santa Rita Hotel and under the presidency of Dr. Charles S. Smith, Nogales. … Dr. Charles A. Dukes, Oakland, Calif., president of the California Medical Association, will give a public address Thursday evening on "Voluntary Budgeting for Medical and Hospital Needs and the Dangers of Compulsory Insurance Politically Controlled."
J Am Med Assoc, Mar 1942; 118: 996: Charles Alfred Dukes; Oakland, Calif.; Vice President of the American Medical Association, died on March 13 at a local hospital as the result of an intestinal infection, aged 69. Dr. Dukes was born in Numa, Iowa, April 23, 1872, and graduated from the Cooper Medical College, San Francisco, in 1895. For many years he was a visiting surgeon at the Veterans Administration Facility at Livermore, Calif., and he was also a member of the staffs of the Merritt Hospital, the Highland-Alameda County Hospital in Oakland, and the Fairmont Hospital in San Leandro. Throughout his career Dr. Dukes gave freely of himself to public service and to medical organization. In the California State Medical Association he had occupied practically all offices, including that of president. He had been chairman of the Cancer Commission and of the Public Relations Committee. In 1941 he was made a member of the Alameda County Institutions Commission, and in 1942 he was appointed a director of the California Safety Council. In the American Medical Association he had served previously as a member of the House of Delegates from 1933 to 1938 and in 1940. In 1940 he became a member of the Committee on Medical Preparedness and more recently had been made chairman of the Corps Area Committee of the Procurement and Assignment Service for Physicians, Dentists and Veterinarians. He was a member of the American College of Chest Physicians and also a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, of which he was formerly vice president. In every phase of medical activity in California his wise judgment and leadership had been highly prized and in recent years equally in all phases of national concern. Especially in the work of preparedness and of medical service in the war he had given unstintedly of his time, traveling repeatedly from the west coast to Chicago and to Washington to participate in essential conferences. [photo caption: Charles Alfred Dukes, M.D., 1872-1942]
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Oakland CA