Donovan, Joseph F.

Of Santa Clara County. Mentioned in the 1950-11-09-01 Minutes of the Pima County Medical Society, 1904-1954: “Report of the Alameda Plan Committee was given by Dr. Hayden, and the report on the San Jose County visit, which was sent to the membership, was discussed. Dr. Hayden stated that he had spent about two hours with Mr. Donovan of Santa Clara County, and that while he did not think the time was suitable for Pima County, he is very strongly sold on the plan.”

J Am Med Assoc, May 1946; 131: 347: California. New Executive Secretary. Mr. Joseph F. Donovan, for the past four years public relations director and advertising manager of the Joshua Hendy Iron Works, Sunnvale, has been appointed executive secretary of the Santa Clara County Medical Society, a newly created position. Headquarters of the society will be set up temporarily on the fifth floor of the St. Claire Building, San Jose, pending other plans to be announced later.
Joseph F. Donovan, San Jose, Calif. THE "REGARDLESS OF ABILITY TO PAY" IDEA. J Am Med Assoc, Feb 1952; 148: 382-384. [Excerpt: It was in December of 1946, however, that many critical doctors in the San Francisco Bay area thought that that month would go down in history as the greatest on record for giant jackpots. That is the month that the Alameda County Medical Society took a quarter page advertisement in all of the daily newspapers in their county in an effort to reach a reading audience of over 750,000 persons, to tell them that anyone who needed medical care and had to have it without cost could get it simply by calling the office of the county medical society and stating their case....]
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