DEICHMILLER, Conrad. Dentist. Res. 635 S. Berendo St.; office 609-14 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Born near Bremen, Germany, May 9, 1864; son of Martin and Maria Deichmiller. Married to Jennie V. Miller. Attended public and private schools of Scranton, Pa.; graduated from Dental Dept. of Univ. of Cal., 1894. With his father in stone quarrying business in Scranton, Pa.; in various lines of stone work in Colo, and Ariz., 1881-85; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1885; with Henry Stohl & Sons, 1885- 87; apprentice in various dental offices 1887-92; practiced dentistry in San Francisco, 1894-1906; clinical instructor in operative dentistry and asst. instructor in chemical and metallurgical laboratory of Univ. of Cal., 1904; member Board of Directors of San Francisco Dental College; moved to Los Angeles, Cal., 1906, where he has practiced dentistry to date. Member firm Deichmiller, Gillespie & Charles, mouth specialists. Pres. and mgr. Dental Hygiene Co. Member Masonic fraternity, 32d degree; Knights Templar; Shrine; Eastern Star; Rotary Club; Los Angeles Advertising Club; Los Angeles Co. Dental Soc; So. Cal. Dental Soc; San Francisco Dental Soc; California State Dental Soc; Amer. Med. Assn.; state organizer of Natl. Mouth Hygiene Assn.; chairman Exhibits Fourth International Congress on School Hygiene.
Source: Who's Who in the Pacific Southwest… Los Angeles, Times-Mirror Printing & Binding House, 1913, page 115.
Source: Who's Who in the Pacific Southwest… Los Angeles, Times-Mirror Printing & Binding House, 1913, page 115.
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