Medical doctor?
See: Buehman, Estelle M. Old Tucson; a hop, skip and jump history from 1539 Indian settlement to new and greater Tucson. Tucson, Ariz., State Consolidated Publishing Co., 1911, page 19: “Subsequent to the ratification of the Gadsden Purchase, the territory was attached to the county of Donna Ana, New Mexico. The Americans who were in Tucson at that time, and aided in its acquisition, came under employment of Governor Manuel Gandara, of Sonora, Mexico, and were engaged in ranching, stock raising and in building houses for the Mexicans, who were manufacturing blankets by hand. Those pioneers were John W. Davis, John Clark, Dr. Colton and a few others.
See: Buehman, Estelle M. Old Tucson; a hop, skip and jump history from 1539 Indian settlement to new and greater Tucson. Tucson, Ariz., State Consolidated Publishing Co., 1911, page 19: “Subsequent to the ratification of the Gadsden Purchase, the territory was attached to the county of Donna Ana, New Mexico. The Americans who were in Tucson at that time, and aided in its acquisition, came under employment of Governor Manuel Gandara, of Sonora, Mexico, and were engaged in ranching, stock raising and in building houses for the Mexicans, who were manufacturing blankets by hand. Those pioneers were John W. Davis, John Clark, Dr. Colton and a few others.
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